Content Posted in 2017
25 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dogs, Harold Herzog
84% of Vegetarians and Vegans Return to Meat. Why?, Harold Herzog
8 Misconceptions About Therapy, Service, and Support Animals, Harold Herzog
A Blood Sport For The Rich and Famous?, Harold Herzog
Abolitionist Animal Rights: Critical Comparisons and Challenges Within the Animal Rights Movement, Corey Lee Wrenn
Abolition Then and Now: Tactical Comparisons Between the Human Rights Movement and the Modern Nonhuman Animal Rights Movement in the United States, Corey Lee Wrenn
Absence of Typical Haversian System from the Compact Bone of Some Reptile and Bird Species, Yasser Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelsabourv Khalaf, and Fatma Khalil
A Critique of Single-Issue Campaigning and the Importance of Comprehensive Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy, Corey Lee Wrenn and Rob Johnson
Activity of Moose and White-Tailed Deer at Mineral Springs, D. Fraser and H. Hristienko
Activity vs. Productivity: Strategies of Social Protest, Henry Spira
A Decade of Progress toward Ending the Intensive Confinement of Farm Animals in the United States, Sara Shields, Paul Shapiro, and Andrew N. Rowan
Advances in Neuroscience Imply that Harmful Experiments in Dogs are Unethical, Jarrod Bailey and Shiranee Pereira
A Framework for Assessing the Suitability of Different Species as Companion Animals, C. A. Schuppli and D. Fraser
African Penguins Follow the Gaze Direction of Conspecifics, Christian Nawroth, Egle Trincas, and Livio Favaro
All Violence is Wrong, Henry Spira
Alternatives in the 90's: What's Next?, Henry Spira
Alternatives Sought to Save Lab Animals, Jim Detjen
Alternatives to Laboratory Animals: Definition and Discussion, Andrew N. Rowan
Amnesty International Scandal, Henry Spira
An Analysis of Diversity in Nonhuman Animal Rights Media, Corey Lee Wrenn
An Attempt to Estimate Teat Quality of Sows by Hand Milking During Farrowing, D. Fraser and C. S. Lin
Anecdotes can be evidence too, Heather Browning
An Evaluation of a Shelter Dog Training Class: Outcomes for Volunteer Trainers and for Dogs, Paula M. Ramirez
Animal Activist Urges Vets to be Activists Too, Henry Spira
Animal and human emotion: Concepts and methodologies, Cátia Correia Caeiro
Animal Behaviour, Animal Welfare and the Scientific Study of Affect, David Fraser
Animal Cruelty and the Sadism of Everyday Life, Harold Herzog
Animal models, agendas and sentience, Thomas Creson
Animal pain and the social role of science, Leslie Irvine
Animal Rights Coalitions Coordinator's Report '83, Coalition to Abolish the LD50
Animal Rights Coalitions Coordinator's Report '86, Animal Rights Coalitions
Animal Rights Coalitions Coordinator's Report '88, Animal Rights Coalitions
Animal Rights is a Social Justice Issue, Robert C. Jones
Animal Rights: NIH Cat Sex Study Brings Grief to New York Museum, Nicholas Wade
Animal Rights: The Frontiers of Compassion, Henry Spira
Animal sentience and the precautionary principle, Jonathan Birch
Animal sentience? Neuroscience has no answers, Yoram Gutfreund
Animals & Ethics 101: Thinking Critically About Animal Rights, Nathan Nobis
Animals in Education: The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs, Heather McGiffin and Nancie Brownley
Animals in Education: The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs, Heather McGiffin and Nancie Brownley
Animals in Testing: How the CPI is Handling a Hot Issue, Anonymous
Animals On the Borderline: The Horse Slaughter Controversy, Harold Herzog and Jenny Vermilya
Animals Suffer for Science, Henry Spira
Animal Welfare Assurance Programs in Food Production: A Framework for Assessing the Options, D. Fraser
Animal Welfare Consciousness of Chinese College Students: Findings and Analysis, Zu Shuxian, Peter J. Li, and Pei-Feng Su
Animal Well-Being in the Wild and in Captivity, Stephen Bostock
Animal Well-Being in Zoos, Conservation Centers and In-Situ Conservation Programs, John Lukas
A Note on Pigs’ Knowledge of Hidden Objects, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell
A Note on the Effectiveness of Behavioural Rehabilitation for Reducing Inter-Dog Aggression in Shelter Dogs, Jane S. Orihel and David Fraser
An Overview of Increasing Incidents of Bottlenose Dolphin Harassment in the Gulf of Mexico and Possible Solutions, Courtney S. Vail
Ape Autonomy? Social Norms and Moral Agency in Other Species, Kristin Andrews
A Pivotal Year for Lab Animal Welfare, Constance Holden
Applying Social Movement Theory to Nonhuman Rights Mobilization and the Importance of Faction Hierarchies, Corey Lee Wrenn
A ‘‘Practical’’ Ethic for Animals, David Fraser
A preliminary investigation into the welfare of lobsters in the UK, Gemma Carder
Aquatic Feeding by Moose: Seasonal Variation in Relation to Plant Chemical Composition and Use of Mineral Licks, D. Fraser, B. K. Thompson, and D. Arthur
Aquatic Feeding by Moose: Selection of Plant Species and Feeding Areas in Relation to Plant Chemical Composition and Characteristics of Lakes, D. Fraser, E R. Chavez, and J. E. Paleheimo
Are chicken minds special?, Rafael Freire and Susan J. Hazel
Are Dogs People? Really?, Harold Herzog
Are Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Able to Use Complex Human-Given Cues to Find a Hidden Reward?, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell
Are Humans the Only Animals That Keep Pets?, Harold Herzog
Are Juvenile Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Sensitive to the Attentive States of Humans? The Impact of Impulsivity on Choice Behaviour, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell
A Reminder About What We've Achieved in Two Decades, Animal Rights International
Are Pet Owners Really at Greater Risk of Cancer?, Harold Herzog
Are the Results of Animal Therapy Studies Unreliable?, Harold Herzog
A Review of the Behavioural Mechanism of Milk Ejection of the Domestic Pig, David Fraser
A Review of the Institute of Medicine’s Analysis of using Chimpanzees in Biomedical Research, Robert C. Jones and Ray Greek
A Review of the Welfare Impact on Pinnipeds of Plastic Marine Debris, Andrew Butterworth
Are We Really A Nation of Animal Lovers?, Harold Herzog
Are You an Animal Person? It Could Be In Your Genes, Harold Herzog
A risk assessment and phylogenetic approach, Culum Brown
A Scientific Conception of Animal Welfare that Reflects Ethical Concerns, D. Fraser, D. M. Weary, E. A. Pajor, and B. N. Milligan
A Scientific Mystery: Do Wild Baboons Kidnap Puppies for Pets?, Harold Herzog
Assessing Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level: The Interplay of Science and Values, D. Fraser
Assessing Animal Welfare: Different Philosophies, Different Scientific Approaches, David Fraser
Assessing Animal Well-Being: Common Sense, Uncommon Science, David Fraser
Assessing negative and positive evidence for animal pain, Robert W. Elwood
Assumptions in Animal Cognition Research, Kristin Andrews and Brian Huss
A Strategy of Compassion, Henry Spira
Attitudes of Canadian Beef Producers Toward Animal Welfare, J. M. Spooner, C. A. Schuppli, and D. Fraser
Attitudes of Canadian Citizens Toward Farm Animal Welfare: A Qualitative Study, Jeffrey M. Spooner, Catherine A. Schuppli, and David Fraser
Attitudes of Canadian Pig Producers Toward Animal Welfare, Jeffrey M. Spooner, Catherine A. Schuppli, and David Fraser
Attraction to Blood as a Factor in Tail-Biting by Pigs, David Fraser
Avon Pledges $750,000 for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Avon Products, Inc.
Baboons Might Kidnap Puppies (But Not As Pets), Harold Herzog
Battlefish contention, Sean Allen-Hermanson
Battle to Protect World’s Wildlife Depends on Beijing’s Commitment, Peter J. Li and Iris Ho
Beyond the provable?, Márta Gácsi
Bias During the Evaluation of Animal Studies, Andrew Knight
Calling by Domestic Piglets: Reliable Signals of Need?, Daniel M. Weary and David Fraser
Can Dogs Help Solve Our Childhood Obesity Problem?, Harold Herzog
Can Dogs Warn Their Owners of Impending Migraines?, Harold Herzog
Canine emotions and the bond between humans and dogs, Robert G. Franklin Jr.
Canine emotions as seen through human social cognition, Miiamaaria V. Kujala
Can nonhuman animals commit suicide?, David M. Peña-Guzmán
Can Pet Crickets Improve the Well-being of the Elderly?, Harold Herzog
Can unconscious brain processes indicate sentience?, Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel, Piercesare Grimaldi, and Hakwan Lau
Cat-Eating Coyotes Are a Bird’s Best Friend, Harold Herzog
Cautions about precautions, Jay R. Stauffer Jr.
Changes in behavior and emotion under chicken domestication, Martin Johnsson
Changing the subject, Joel Marks
Chickening out of change: Will knowing more about thinking chickens change public perceptions?, Ewan Bottomley and Steve Loughnan
Chicken of the sea, Jonathan Balcombe
Chickens’ brains, like ours, are lateralized, Lesley J. Rogers
Choice-induced preference: A challenge for contrast, Benjamin R. Eisenreich and Benjamin Y. Hayden
Clarifying concepts in cognitive dissonance theory, Eddie Harmon-Jones
Coalition for Non-Violent Food Coordinator's Report, Animal Rights International
Cognitive continuity in cognitive dissonance, David R. Brodbeck and Madeleine I. R. Brodbeck
Cognitive dissonance or contrast? It could be both, Thomas Zentall
Colostrum Intake by Newborn Piglets, David Fraser and Jeffrey Rushen
Comments of Henry Spira on the FSIS Proposed Strategic Plan, Henry Spira
Communicating canine and human emotions, Juliane Bräuer, Karine Silva, and Stefan R. Schweinberger
Conflict and Cooperation: Sociobiological Principles and the Behaviour of Pigs, David Fraser, D. L. Kramer, E. A. Pajor, and D. M. Weary
Congress Should Declare That Mice Are Animals - Now!, Harold Herzog
Conscientious Objection to Harmful Animal Use within Veterinary and Other Biomedical Education, Andrew Knight
Consciousness, evidence, and moral standing, Irina Mikhalevich
Consciousness in teleosts: There is something it feels like to be a fish, Michael L. Woodruff
Consciousness is not inherent in but emergent from life, Jon Mallatt and Todd E. Feinberg
Considering side biases in vigilance and fear, Lesley J. Rogers
Consumption of Solid Food by Suckling Pigs: Individual Variation and Relation to Weight Gain, Edmond A. Pajor, David Fraser, and Donald L. Kramer
Conversation With Henry Spira: Draize Test Activist, Lynne Harriton
Counting as the Chimpanzee Views It, Sarah T. Boysen
Counting in Chimpanzees: Nonhuman Principles and Emergent Properties of Number, Sarah T. Boysen
Critical Evaluation of the Use of Dogs in Biomedical Research and Testing in Europe, Nina Hasiwa, Jarrod Bailey, Peter Clausing, Mardas Daneshian, Sándor Farkas, István Gyertyán, Robert Hubrecht, Werner Kobel, Goran Krummenacher, Marcel Leist, Hannes Lohi, Adám Miklósi, Frauke Ohl, Klaus Olejniczak, Georg Schmitt, Patrick Sinnett-Smith, David Smith, Kristina Wagner, James D. Yager, Joanne Zurlo, and Thomas Hartung
Critter Psychology: On the Possibility of Nonhuman Animal Folk Psychology, Kristin Andrews
Cross-Modal Recognition of Familiar Conspecifics in Goats, Benjamin J. Pitcher, Elodie F. Briefer, Luigi Baciadonna, and Alan G. McElligott
Crustacean Rights: The Case of the "Lucky" Crabs, Harold Herzog
Differential Effects of Sodium and Magnesium Sulfate on Water Consumption by Beef Cattle, A. S. Grout, D. M. Veira, D. M. Weary, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. Fraser
Direct perception of animal mind, Paul Morris
Discovery of Selected Water Dispensers by Newborn Pigs, P. A. Phillips and D. Fraser
Dissonance reduction in nonhuman animals: Implications for cognitive dissonance theory, Cindy Harmon-Jones, Nick Haslam, and Brock Bastian
Do Animal Protection Laws Dupe the Public?, Henry Spira
Do Dog Owners REALLY Make Better Lovers?, Harold Herzog
Does Animal-Assisted Therapy Really Work?, Harold Herzog
Does Breed Popularity Go Up After A Dog Wins At Westminster?, Harold Herzog
Does Dolphin Therapy Work?, Harold Herzog
Does Having a Pet Make You More Attractive?, Harold Herzog
Does the Seal Licensing System in Scotland Have a Negative Impact on Seal Welfare?, Laetitia Nunny, Fritha Langford, and Mark P. Simmonds
Does the Seal Licensing System in Scotland Have a Negative Impact on Seal Welfare?, Laetitia Nunny, Fritha Langford, and Mark P. Simmonds
Do Ethics Matter? Frank Perdue and the Board of Regents, Henry Spira
"Dogs ARE Persons!" (The Other Side of the Debate), Harold Herzog
Dogs Can't Cure Cancer, Harold Herzog
Dogs consciously experience emotions: The question is, which?, Ralph Adolphs
Do Our Schools Give A's for Cruelty?, Animal Rights International
Do Pets Go To Heaven?, Harold Herzog
Do Pets Prevent Sudden Death In Children With Epilepsy?, Harold Herzog
Do Vegetarians Smell Sexier?, Harold Herzog
Do we understand what it means for dogs to experience emotion?, Lasana T. Harris
Draize: A Blueprint for Change, Henry Spira
Eating Cats, Harold Herzog
Eating Disorders: The Dark Side of Vegetarianism, Harold Herzog
Effective Strategies of Social Protest, Henry Spira
Effect of Confinement on Water-borne and Whole Body Cortisol in Wild and Captive-eared Rainbowfish (Melanoteania duboulayi), Amina Zuberi, Culum Brown, and Sinan Ali
Effect of Straw on the Behaviour of Growing Pigs, David Fraser, P. A. Phillips, B. K. Thompson, and T. Tennessen
Effects of Moose, Alces alces, on Aquatic Vegetation in Sibley Provincial Park, Ontario, D. Fraser and H. Hristienko
Efficiency of the Male Effect with Photostimulated Bucks Does Not Depend on their Familiarity with Goats, A. L. Muñoz, M. Bedos, R. M. Aroña, J. A. Flores, H. Hernández, C. Moussu, Elodie F. Briefer, P. Chemineau, M. Keller, and J. A. Delgadillo
Emotional Support Animals: The Therapist's Dilemma, Harold Herzog
Emotion in dogs: Translational and transformative aspects, Silvan R. Urfer
Empathy in dogs: With a little help from a friend – a mixed blessing, Sabrina Karl and Ludwig Huber
Encounters with Dead Pets: A Study of the Evolution of Grief, Harold Herzog
End the Gulf War Now by Bombing Iraq with Perdue Chickens, Henry Spira
Enhanced Attraction to Blood by Pigs with Inadequate Dietary Protein Supplementation, David Fraser, D. E. Bernon, and R. O. Ball
Establishing that contrast is cognitive dissonance, Travis R. Smith
Estimation of Harvest Rate and Vulnerability from Age and Sex Data, J. E. Pahoheimo and David Fraser
Estimation of Harvest Rate of Black Bears from Age and Sex Data, David Fraser, James F. Gardner, George B. Kolenosky, and Stewart Strathearn
Exclusion Performance in Dwarf Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) and Sheep (Ovis orientalis aries), Christian Nawroth, Eberhard von Borell, and Jan Langbein
Experiments Raise Hopes on Curbing Use of Animals in Laboratory, Bayard Webster
Experiment versus analogy in the search for animal sentience, Geoffrey Hall
Exploring Collaborations between Veterinarians & Rescues/Shelters, Jacquie Cobb
Face Off With the USDA: The Hidden Atrocity of Face Branding
Farm Animal Suffering Leaves a Bad Taste In Your Mouth, Harold Herzog
Farrowing Behaviour and Stillbirth in Two Environments: An Evaluation of the Restraint-Stillbirth Hypothesis, D. Fraser, P. A. Phillips, and B. K. Thompson
Fear and loathing on the landscape: What can foraging theory tell us about vigilance and fear?, Burt P. Kotler and Joel S. Brown
Fifty Shades of Oppression: Unexamined Sexualized Violence against Women and Other Animals, Corey Lee Wrenn
Fighting for Animal Rights: Issues and Strategies, Henry Spira
Fighting to Win, Henry Spira
Fish are flexible learners who can discriminate human faces, Ulrike E. Siebeck
Fish Cognition, Redouan Bshary and Culum Brown
Fishes are gaining academic respect, Jonathan Balcombe
Fish sentience: A hypothesis worth pursuing, José E. Burgos
Five Good Reasons to Eat Your Dog or Cat, Animal Rights International
Five Questions That Reveal How Much You Care About Animals, Harold Herzog
Floor Temperature Preference of Sows at Farrowing, P. A. Phillips, D. Fraser, and B. Pawluczuk
Follow-Up Letter from Henry Spira to John Oedzes, Henry Spira
Forbidden Foods: Does Loving Pets Make It Easier To Eat Meat?, Harold Herzog
Fostering Humane Attitudes Toward Animals : An Educational Camp Experience in China, Sarah M. Bexell, Olga S. Jarrett, Xu Ping, and Feng Rui Xi
Four Types of Activities that Affect Animals: Implications for Animal Welfare Science and Animal Ethics Philosophy, D. Fraser and A. M. MacRae
Frank, Are You Telling the Truth About Your Chickens?, Animal Rights International
Friend or Food? China's 'Civil War' Over Dogs, Peter J. Li
General Principles for the Welfare of Animals in Production Systems: The Underlying Science and Its Application, David Fraser, Ian J.H. Duncan, Sandra A. Edwards, Temple Grandin, Neville G. Gregory, Vincent Guyonnet, Paul H. Hemsworth, Stella M. Huertas, Juliana M. Huzzey, David J. Mellor, Joy A. Mench, Marek Špinka, and H. Rebecca Whay
Getting at the Numbers, Jim Mason
Getting to the other side, Debra Merskin
Goats Display Audience-Dependent Human-Directed Gazing Behaviour in a Problem-Solving Task, Christian Nawroth, Jemma M. Brett, and Alan G. McElligott
Goats Learn Socially from Humans in a Spatial Problem-Solving Task, Christian Nawroth, Luigi Baciadonna, and Alan G. McElligott
“Goats That Stare at Men” – Dwarf Goats Alter Their Behaviour in Response to Human Head Orientation But Do Not Spontaneously Use Head Direction as a Cue in a Food-Related Context, Christian Nawroth, Eberhard von Borell, and Jan Langbein
Grooming Behavior and Competitive Dominance in the Albino Rat, Irwin M. Spigel, Susan Trivett, and David Fraser
Guns Cause Blindness. They Don't Cure It., Animal Rights International
Having Your Dog and Eating It Too?, Harold Herzog
Henry Spira: A Fighter Who Makes Things Happen for Animals, Robert Davey
Here's Why Your Dog Might Not Be As Cute As You Think, Harold Herzog
Histogenesis of the Stomach of the Pre-Hatching Quail: A Light Microscopic Study, Soha A. Soliman, Yasser A. Ahmed, and Mohammed Abdelsabour-Khalaf
Histological Sequences of Long Bone Development in the New Zealand White Rabbits, Yasser A. Ahmed, Eman A. Abdelrahim, and Fatma Khalil
History of the 3Rs in Toxicity Testing: From Russell and Burch to 21st Century Toxicology, Martin L. Stephens and Nina S. Mak
Horse Racing: Cruelties We Condone and Cruelties We Condemn, Harold Herzog
How Are We Doing?, Henry Spira
How Much Solidarity Do You Feel With Animals?, Harold Herzog
How “Natural” Is A Cloned Cow...Or A Cloned Dog?, Harold Herzog
How Scary Are the Mental Health Risks of Vegetarianism?, Harold Herzog
How Social Contagion Helps Explain Our Pet Choices, Harold Herzog
How to be an Activist, Henry Spira
HSUS NEWS Volume 34, Number 01
HSUS NEWS Volume 34, Number 02
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HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 1
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HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 2
HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 3
HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 3
HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 4
HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 4
HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 5
HSUS Update Volume 4, Number 6
HSUS Update Volume 6, Number 1
Humane Cat Population Management Guidance, International Companion Animal Management Coalition
Humane Education, Lillian Maude Mathewson
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1975
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1976
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1979
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1980
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1981
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1982
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1985
Humane Education Happenings Fall 1986
Humane Education Happenings June / July 1975
Humane Education Happenings Spring 1979
Humane Education Happenings Spring 1980
Humane Education Happenings Spring 1985
Humane Education Happenings Spring 1986
Humane Education Happenings Summer 1976
Humane Education Happenings Summer 1980
Humane Education Happenings Summer 1981
Humane Education Happenings Summer 1983
Humane Education Happenings Summer 1984
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1976
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1979
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1980
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1981
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1983
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1984
Humane Education Happenings Winter 1985
Humane Education Volume 07, Number 02
Humane Education Volume 07, Number 03
Humane Education Volume 07, Number 04
Humane Education Volume 08, Number 01
Humane Education Volume 08, Number 02
Humane Education Volume 08, Number 03
Humane Education Volume 08, Number 04
Humane Education Volume 09, Number 01
Humane Education Volume 09, Number 02
Human Head Orientation and Eye Visibility as Indicators of Attention for Goats (Capra hircus), Christian Nawroth and Alan G. McElligott
Hunting and the Evolution of Human Intelligence: An Alternative View, Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
Hyperactivism: The Phenomenon of Doing Without Achieving, Henry Spira
Identifying and Preventing Pain in Animals, Daniel M. Weary, Lee Niel, Frances C. Flower, and David Fraser
Importation of Certain Cattle from Mexico: Identification Requirements, Animal Rights International
In Defense of (Some) Meat, Harold Herzog
Individual Differences in the Cognitive Abilities of Chimpanzees, Sarah T. Boysen
Individual Personality Differences in Goats Predict Their Performance in Visual Learning and Non-Associative Cognitive Tasks, Christian Nawroth, Pamela M. Prentice, and Alan G. McElligott
Individual variation in fear behaviour, Rob Found
Industry Toxicologists Keen on Reducing Animal Use, Constance Holden
Inferring emotion without language: Comparing canines and prelinguistic infants, Stefanie Hoehl
Initial Test of a Farrowing Crate with Inward-Sloping Sides, D. Fraser, P. A. Phillips, and B. K. Thompson
In Memory of Patrick Bateson, James A. Serpell
In-Service Teachers’ Understanding and Teaching of Humane Education Before and After a Standards-Based Intervention, Stephanie Itle-Clark
International Coalition to Abolish LD-50, Michael Marten
Interview: Henry Spira, Foundation for Biomedical Research
Inventing the Skin You Love to Test, Rick Weiss
Isolation of Lactoferrin and its Concentration in Sows’ Colostrum and Milk During a 21-Day Lactation, J. I. Elliot, B. Senft, G. Ernhardt, and D. Fraser
Is Pet-Love Caused By A Virus of the Mind?, Harold Herzog
Is Sadomasochism a Uniquely Human Form of Sexuality?, Harold Herzog
Is the Public Ready to Roast the Meat Industry?, Henry Spira
It Pays to Cheat: Tactical Deception in a Cephalopod Social Signalling System, Culum Brown, Martin P. Garwood, and Jane E. Williamson
It’s Time to Outlaw Animal Cruelty in China, Peter J. Li
Japanese Small Type Coastal Whaling, Sue Fisher
Judgement Bias in Goats (Capra hircus): Investigating the Effects of Human Grooming, Luigi Baciadonna, Christian Nawroth, and Alan G. McElligott
Justifying the precautionary principle with expected net-welfare maximization, Yew-Kwang Ng
Juvenile Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Use Human-Given Cues in an Object Choice Task, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell
Lack of Assortative Mating Between Incipient Species of Stickleback from a Hybrid Zone, F. C. Jones, C. Brown, and V. A. Braithwaite
Large Study Finds Pet Owners Are Different, Harold Herzog
Learning, memory, cognition, and the question of sentience in fish, Robert Gerlai
Legislating Components of a Humane City: The Economic Impacts of the Austin, Texas "No Kill" Resolution (City of Austin Resolution 20091105-040), Sloane Hawes, Devrim Ikizler, Katy Loughney, Philip Tedeschi, and Kevin Morris
Less Meat, Less Misery: Reforming Factory Farms, Henry Spira
Lethal Dosing of Lab Animals Expected to Decline, Ernest Roberson
Lethargy and Low Water Intake by Sows During Early Lactation: A Cause of Low Piglet Weight Gains and Survival?, David Fraser and P. A. Phillips
Letter from Brian Oedzes to Henry Spira, Brian G. Oedzes
Letter from Dan Glickman to Henry Spira, Dan Glickman
Letter from Daniel Gill to Henry Spira, Daniel E. Gill
Letter from David P. Rall to Henry Spira, David P. Rall
Letter from E. Denise Stovell to Henry Spira, E. Denise Stovell
Letter from Harvey Potkin to Henry Spira, Harvey Potkin
Letter from Henry Spira to Animal Rights Colleagues, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Brian Oedzes, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to David W. Mitchell, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to E. Denise Stovell, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Harvey Potkin, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Isidore Pines, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to John Bryan, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to John Oedzes, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to John Palmer, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to John Palmer, John Crowley, and Patty Duke, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Marshall Chernin, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Mike Quinlan, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Patrick Boyle, Henry Spira
Letter from Henry Spira to Shelton Sternberg, Henry Spira
Letter from Hoffmann - La Roche Inc. to Henry Spira
Letter from John Palmer to Henry Spira, John Palmer
Letter from Joseph Gordon to Amy Bowerman, Joseph H. Gordon
Letter from Lisa Ivinjack Clota to Joseph H. Gordon, Lisa Ivinjack Clota
Letter from Peter Lovenheim and Joseph Gordon to the Secretary of McDonald's Corporation, Peter Lovenheim and Joseph H. Gordon
Letter from Rabbi Armand Rine to Henry Spira, Armand Rine
Letter from Shelby Yastrow to Henry Spira, Shelby Yastrow
Letter from Shelby Yastrow to Simon Billenness, Shelby Yastrow
Letter from Terry L. Medley to Henry Spira, Terry L. Medley
Lots of Talk About LD50, Marjorie Sun
Making a Difference: Part One: An Interview with Henry Spira, Joan Zacharias
Making a Difference: Part Two: An Interview with Henry Spira, Joan Zacharias
Male Brush-Turkeys Attempt Sexual Coercion in Unusual Circumstances, David A. Wells, Darryl N. Jones, David Bulger, and Culum Brown
Mammals, Birds, and Butterflies at Sodium Sources in Northern Ontario Forests, D. Fraser
Marine Mammal Behavior: A Review of Conservation Implications, Philippa Brakes and Sasha R. X. Dall
Marine Mammals in Asian Societies; Trends in Consumption, Bait, and Traditional Use, Lindsay Porter and Hong Yu Lai
Measuring Humaneness: Can It Be Done, and What Does It Mean If It Can?, John Hadidian, Bernard Unti, and John Griffin
Meeting Offers Hope for Fewer Animal Tests, Iver Peterson
Mental representations are not necessary for fish consciousness, Luis H. Favela
Metcalf-Hatch Act: Profit, Politics and Pain, Henry Spira
Metcalf-Hatch Fact Sheet, Henry Spira
Metcalf-Hatch Repeal Means Lab Accountability, Henry Spira
Mineral-Deficient Diets and the Pig’s Attraction to Blood: Implications for Tail-Biting, David Fraser
Misperceiving and underestimating the ubiquitous chicken, Carrie P. Freeman
Missed Point on P&G, Henry Spira
Mixing at Young Ages Reduces Fighting in Unacquainted Domestic Pigs, Anton D. Pitts, Daniel M. Weary, Edmond A. Pajor, and David Fraser
Moose-Vehicle Accidents in Ontario: Relation to Highway Salt, David Fraser and Evan R. Thomas
Morphological and Biochemical Adaptive Changes Associated With A Short-period Starvation of Adult Male Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica), Yasser Ahmed, Soha A. Soliman, and Mohammed Abdelsabour-Khalaf
Museum Victory for Animal Rights, Henry Spira
Nagel-ing worries about fish sentience, Hugh LaFollette
Narcissism and Exotic Pets: Is There a Connection?, Harold Herzog
Natural Healers: The Four Pillars of Medicine and How Animals Use Them, Harold Herzog
New Books for Intelligent Animal Lovers, Harold Herzog
(No. 03) -- The Measure of a True Humanitarian, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 04) -- Furs--A Major Humane Problem, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 05) -- GOP Elephants and Misdirected Humane Efforts, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 06) -- Laboratory Animal Legislation, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 07) -- Laboratory Legislation, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 08) -- Laboratory Legislation, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 09) -- Euthanasia--The Most Important Single Means of Reducing the Suffering of Animals, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 11) -- A Century of "Progress" in Combating Animal Abuse, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 12) -- The Real Truth About the Surplus of Dogs and Cats, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 13) -- Good and Bad Animal Shelters, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 14) -- Disunity in the Humane Movement, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 15) -- Man's Greatest Cruelty to Animals, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 16) -- Humane Education Digest, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 17) -- The Use of Cruel Leghold Traps Can be Eliminated, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 18) -- More Hope for Laboratory Animals, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 20) -- Rapid Decompression in High Altitude Chambers--Humane or Cruel? (Part I), Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 25) -- Adoption Policies Affect Surplus, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 26) -- Puppy Mills, Pet Shops and Breeders Add to Pet Surplus, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 27) -- Pet Ownership Survey Yields Surprising Results, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 28) -- Is Ritual Slaughter Really Humane?, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 29) -- The Only Way to End the Production of Surplus Pet Animals, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 30) -- Are Animal Welfare Societies a "Ripoff"?, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 31) -- Some Frank Talk about the Decompression Chamber, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 32) -- Alternatives to the Decompression Chamber, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 34) -- Can Anything be Done to Stop Rodeos?, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 35) -- The Real Ripoff in the Humane Movement, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 36) -- The Puppy Mills Must Go!, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 37) -- What Needs to be Done About the Puppy Mills, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 38) -- Spay-Neuter Programs Needed for Pet Animal Control, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 39) -- Good News About Humane Slaughter, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 40) -- The Humane Movement Should Be Ashamed, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 41) -- Mechanized Cruelty, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 42) -- How to Increase Shelter Adoptions, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 43) -- Veal Calves and Factory Farming, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 44) -- H.I.S. Death of President Thomsen, Humane Information Services, Inc.
(No. 45) -- Congress Approves Humane Slaughter Bill, Humane Information Services, Inc.
Nonhuman Animal Rights, Alternative Food Systems, and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, Corey Lee Wrenn
Non-human animal suicide could be tested, David Lester
Not statistically significant, but still scientific, Rachael L. Brown
Nursing Females are More Prone to Heat Stress: Demography Matters When Managing Flying-Foxes for Climate Change, Stephanie T. Snoyman, Jasmina Munich, and Culum Brown
Nutritive and Nonnutritive Sucking and the Temporal Organization of the Suckling Behavior of Domestic Piglets, Jeffrey Rushen and David Fraser
Object Permanence in the Dwarf Goat (Capra aegagrus hircus): Perseveration Errors and the Tracking of Complex Movements of Hidden Objects, Christian Nawroth, Eberhard von Borell, and Jan Langbein
Of cortex and consciousness: “Phenomenal,” “access,” or otherwise, Scott A. Husband
Oklahoma Humane Society Compassion Center Economic Impact Study, Kevin Morris, Russell Evans, Sloane Smith, Katy Loughney, and Phil Tedeschi
On assisted suicide, Clark Glymour
One Man’s Beef, William Severini Kowinski
On-Farm Welfare Assessment for Regulatory Purposes: Issues and Possible Solutions, Jan Tind Sørensen and David Fraser
Operationalizing fear through understanding vigilance, Ralph Adolphs
Orca Behavior and Subsequent Aggression Associated with Oceanarium Confinement, Robert Anderson, Robyn Waayers, and Andrew Knight
Parent-Offspring Resource Allocation in Domestic Pigs, Anna Drake, David Fraser, and Daniel M. Weary
Partial Tooth-Clipping of Suckling Pigs: Effects on Neonatal Competition and Facial Injuries, Daniel M. Weary and David Fraser
People -- Marine Mammal Interactions, Andrew Butterworth and Mark P. Simmonds
People -- Marine Mammal Interactions, Andrew Butterworth and Mark P. Simmonds
Pets, Chickens, and Gay Rights: Tracking Social Change With Google's "Ngram Viewer", Harold Herzog
Piggery Perspectives on Wildlife Management and Research, David Fraser
Playing Dead As A Defense Against Angry Bears And Rapists, Harold Herzog
Precaution, proportionality and proper commitments, Colin Klein
Preference and Motivation Testing, David Fraser and Lindsay R. Matthews
Preference by Sows for a Partially Enclosed Farrowing Crate, P. A. Phillips, D. Fraser, and B. K. Thompson
Preference Tests of Ramp Designs for Young Pigs, P. A. Phillips, B. K. Thompson, and D. Fraser
Preserving Individuals Versus Conserving Populations: Is There a Conflict?, Donald G. Lindburg
Pressuring Perdue, Barnaby J. Feder
"Professor, Does My Dog Know I'm Blind?", Harold Herzog
Public Policy: Community Safety Through Breed Bans?, Deirdre S. Franklin
Puppies and Broken Hearts, Harold Herzog
Puppies, Kittens, and Human Health: Science Versus Wishful Thinking, Harold Herzog
Raising consciousness about chicken consciousness, Bernard Rollin
Raising the moral consciousness of science, Bernard Rollin
Rating Harms to Wildlife: A Survey Showing Convergence between Conservation and Animal Welfare Views, S. Dubois and D. Fraser
Reductionism and accounts of cognitive dissonance, Kent D. Bodily
Refining the precautionary framework, Jonathan Birch
Reflective Ethology, Applied Philosophy, and the Moral Status of Animals, Marc Bekoff and Dale Jamieson
Regulation of Contact with Offspring by Domestic Sows: Temporal Patterns and Individual Variation, E. A. Pajor, D. L. Kramer, and D. Fraser
Rehabilitating Rescued Chinese Farm Bears (Ursus thibetanus): Results, Limitations, and Implications, Peter J. Li
Resisting the Globalization of Speciesism: Vegan Abolitionism as a Site for Consumer-Based Social Change, Corey Lee Wrenn
Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy: Overcoming Contextual Constraints, Corey Lee Wrenn
Results of a Nationwide Telephone Survey on Farm Animals, Animal Rights International
Returning to Meat, Harold Herzog
Revlon Advertisement, The Millennium Guild
Road Kill and the New Science of Human-Animal Relationships, Harold Herzog
Sampling Problems and Interpretation of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Springs Used by Wildlife, D. Fraser, E. Reardon, F. Dieken, and B. Loescher
Science, Sentience, and Animal Welfare, Robert C. Jones
Scientific advances and moral inertia, Kathie Jenni
Scientific uncertainty and the animal sentience precautionary principle, Michael L. Woodruff
Selective Tooth Clipping in the Management of Low-Birth-Weight Piglets, S. Robert, B. K. Thompson, and David Fraser
Sensitizing humans to fish sentience, Kelly Levenda
Sentience does not require “higher” cognition, Giorgio Vallortigara
Sentience in living tissue, Alfredo Pereira Jr.
Service Animal Scams: A Growing Problem, Harold Herzog
Sexual Harassment, Humiliation and Exploitation Should Enrage You. But, Are You Supporting It?, Animal Rights International
Shackle & Hoist: The Power of Alternatives, Henry Spira
Shelter Sense Volume 01, Number 01
Shelter Sense Volume 01, Number 02
Shelter Sense Volume 01, Number 03
Shelter Sense Volume 01, Number 04
Shelter Sense Volume 01, Number 05
Shelter Sense Volume 02, Number 01
Shelter Sense Volume 02, Number 02
Shelter Sense Volume 02, Number 03
Shelter Sense Volume 02, Number 04
Shelter Sense Volume 02, Number 05
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Shelter Sense Volume 03, Number 03
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Shelter Sense Volume 04, Number 01
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Shelter Sense Volume 09, Number 01
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Shelter Sense Volume 13, Number 02
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Shelter Sense Volume 14, Number 01
Shelter Sense Volume 14, Number 02
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Shelter Sense Volume 14, Number 07
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Shelter Sense Volume 14, Number 09
Shelter Sense Volume 14, Number 10
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 01
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 02
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 03
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 04
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 05
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 07
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 08
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 09
Shelter Sense Volume 15, Number 10
Shelter Sense Volume 16, Number 01
Shoring up the precautionary BAR, Jon Mallatt
Should Pets Be Banished From the Bedroom?, Harold Herzog
Should We De-Sex All Of Our Pets?, Harold Herzog
Sightings of Moose, Deer, and Bears on Roads in Northern Ontario, D. Fraser
Similar anatomy does not imply comparable function, Jay R. Stauffer Jr.
Singer Speaks With Spira, Peter Singer
Skeptics and “The White Stuff” : Promotion of Cows’ Milk and Other Nonhuman Animal Products in the Skeptic Community as Normative Whiteness, Corey Lee Wrenn
Social dog — emotional dog?, Stefanie Riemer
Social Learning: Parents May Not Always Know Best, Simon C. Griffith and Culum Brown
Social Movement Prostitution: A Case Study in Nonhuman Animal Rights Activism and Vegan Pimping, Corey Lee Wrenn
Social Stress and Welfare Problems in Agricultural Animals, D. G. M. Wood-Gush, I. J. H. Duncan, and D. Fraser
Some Factors Influencing the Availability of Colostrum to Piglets, D. Fraser
Sow Preference for Farrowing-Crate Width, P. A. Phillips, David Fraser, and B. K. Thompson
Sow Preference for Types of Flooring in Farrowing Crates, P. A. Phillips, D. Fraser, and B. K. Thompson
Spira Letter on Animal Testing, Henry Spira
Spira Provides Insight on Animal Rights Movement, Anonymous
Stress Relief in Seven Minutes, Doggie Style, Harold Herzog
Study Finds Dog-Walkers Have More Bad Mental Health Days!, Harold Herzog
Studying dog emotion beyond expression and without concern for feeling, Peter F. Cook
Support for the precautionary principle, Jennifer Mather
Tackling the Titans, Erik Marcus
Tail Docking Dairy Cattle: Effects on Cow Cleanliness and Udder Health, Cassandra B. Tucker, David Fraser, and Daniel M. Weary
Take an Activist to Breakfast?, Henry Spira
Taking Evolution Seriously: A Matter of Primate Intelligence, Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
The Animal Research Paradox, Harold Herzog
The Behaviour of Swine, J. P. Signoret, B. A. Baldwin, D. Fraser, and E. S. E. Hafez
The Beneficial Effects of Animals on Children With Autism, Harold Herzog
The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research, Carl Cohen
The “Cute Dog Effect” On Sex, Money, and Justice, Harold Herzog
The Dangers of Project WILD: A Special Report, John W. Grandy, Jennifer Lewis, and Kathleen J. Savesky
The development and expression of canine emotion, Allison L. Martin
The Disney Nonhuman Princesses, Corey Lee Wrenn
The Dog Movie Star Effect: Is It Real?, Harold Herzog
The Dog Show Vs. The Olympics: The Judges' Dilemma, Harold Herzog
The Effect of Housing and Handling Practices on the Welfare, Behaviour and Selection of Domestic Cats (Felis sylvestris catus) by Adopters in an Animal Shelter, N. Gourkow and D. Fraser
The Effect of Littermate Weight on Survival, Weight Gain, and Suckling Behavior of Low-Birth-Weight Piglets in Cross-Fostered Litters, Barry N. Milligan, David Fraser, and Donald L. Kramer
The Effect of Straw on the Behaviour of Sows in Tether Stalls, D. Fraser
The emotional brain of fish, Sonia Rey Planellas
The First Step in the Case for Great Ape Equality: The Argument for Other Minds, Kristin Andrews
The Humane Movement in the United States: 1910-1922, William J. Shultz
The inconvenient truth about thinking chickens, Lori Marino
The International Whaling Commission—Beyond Whaling, Andrew J. Wright, Mark P. Simmonds, and Barbara Galletti Vernazzani
The International Whaling Commission—Beyond Whaling, Andrew J. Wright, Mark P. Simmonds, and Barbara Galletti Vernazzani
The Lobster Considered, Robert C. Jones
The Medicalization of Nonhuman Animal Rights: Frame Contestation and the Exploitation of Disability, Corey Lee Wrenn, Joanne Clark, Maddie Judge, Katherine A. Gilchrist, Delanie Woodlock, Katherine Dotson, Riva Spanos, and Jonothan Wrenn
The Meek Don’t Make It, Henry Spira
The Morality of Marathon Dog Races, Harold Herzog
The multiple facets of empathy, Magdalena Boch and Claus Lamm
The Next Decade: A Shifting Focus, Henry Spira
The Nursing Posture of Domestic Sows and Related Behaviour, D. Fraser
The Physiological Consequences of Crib-Biting in Horses in Response to an ACTH Challenge Test, S. Briefer Freymond, D. Bardou, Elodie F. Briefer, R. Bruckmaier, N. Fouché, J. Fleury, A.-L. Maigrot, A. Ramseyer, K. Zuberbühler, and I. Bachmann
The potential for sentience in fishes, Jay R. Stauffer Jr.
The Power of One: How the Individual Activist Can Make a Difference, Henry Spira
The precautionary principle: A cautionary note, Robert C. Jones
The “Precautionary Principle” – A work in progress, Shelley Adamo
The Problem With Incest, Harold Herzog
the P. word, Animal Rights International
The Quality of Mercy: Organized Animal Protection in the United States 1866-1930, Bernard Unti
Therapy Dogs for Homesick College Students?, Harold Herzog
Therapy Dogs or Robots for Nursing Home Residents?, Harold Herzog
The Relationship between Creep Feeding Behavior of Piglets and Adaptation to Weaning: Effect of Diet Quality, David Fraser, J. J.R. Feddes, and E. A. Pajor
There's a Mouthful Misery in Every Mouthful of Meat (Egg), Animal Rights International
There's a World of Misery in Every Mouthful of Meat (Fork), Animal Rights International
There's a World of Misery in Every Mouthful of Meat (Kabob), Animal Rights International
There's a World of Suffering in Every Bite of Meat (Poultry), Animal Rights International
There's No Such Things as Safe Chicken, Animal Rights International
The Role of Professionalization Regarding Female Exploitation in the Nonhuman Animal Rights Movement, Corey Lee Wrenn
The State of the Animals: 2001, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The State of the Animals: 2001, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The State of the Animals II: 2003, Deborah J. Salem
The State of the Animals II: 2003, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The State of the Animals III: 2005, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The State of the Animals III: 2005, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The State of the Animals IV: 2007, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The State of the Animals IV: 2007, Deborah J. Salem and Andrew N. Rowan
The Status of Animals in Biblical and Christian Thought: A Study in Colliding Values, Rod Preece and David Fraser
The study of emotion in animals, Thomas R. Zentall
The Truth About Yulin: People Killing the Dogs are No Different to Livestock Farmers, Peter J. Li
The Two Serial Killers in My Life, Harold Herzog
The Utilization of Aquatic Bushmeat from Small Cetaceans and Manatees in South America and West Africa, A. Mel Cosentino and Sue Fisher
The Value and Utility of Animals in Research, Andrew N. Rowan and Joan C. Weer
The Wild and the Tame, Juliet Clutton-Brock
Thinking Pigs: Cognition, Emotion, and Personality, Lori Marino and Christina M. Colvin
Think Twice Before Giving Medical Marijuana to Your Pet, Harold Herzog
This is What USDA Policy Looks Like. Can You Imagine What it Feels Like?, Animal Rights International
Three Reasons Why Pets Don't Lower Health Care Costs, Harold Herzog
To identify all the relevant factors is to explain feeling, Arthur S. Reber
Toward a Synthesis of Conservation and Animal Welfare Science, David Fraser
Towards A Boundless Ethic, Henry Spira
Tribute to Jaak Panksepp, Jonathan Balcombe
True Fact: Dog-Walking Helps Dogs But Harms Birds, Harold Herzog
Trump Veganism: A Political Survey of American Vegans in the Era of Identity Politics, Corey Lee Wrenn
Twenty-Five Years of Growth & Achievement: The Humane Society of the United States (1954-1979), Patrick B. Parkes and Jacques V. Sichel
Under Pressure: Cetaceans and Fisheries Co-occurrence off the Coasts of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire (Gulf of Guinea), Marijke N. de Boer, James T. Saulino, Koen Van Waerebeek, and Geert Aarts
Understanding Animal Welfare, David Fraser
Urging an End To Face Branding Of Cattle, Greg Rushford and T. R. Goldman
Use of Water by Piglets in the First Days after Birth, David Fraser, P. A. Phillips, B. K. Thompson, and W. B. Peeters
Variation in Piglet Weights: Development of Within-Litter Variation Over a 5-Week Lactation and Effect of Farrowing Crate Design, B. K. Thompson and D. Fraser
Variation in Piglet Weights: Relationship to Suckling Behavior, Parity Number and Farrowing Crate Design, David Fraser and B. K. Thompson
Variation in Piglet Weights: Weight Gains in the First Days After Birth and Their Relationship with Later Performance, B. K. Thompson and D. Fraser
Veganism as an Aspiration, Lori Gruen and Robert C. Jones
Vegetarianism and Money: Surprising Results from a New Study, Harold Herzog
Vegetarian versus Meat-Based Diets for Companion Animals, Andrew Knight and Madelaine Leitsberger
Vocal Expression of Emotions in Mammals: Mechanisms of Production and Evidence, Elodie Briefer
Vocal Individuality and Species Divergence in the Contact Calls of Banded Penguins, Livio Favaro, Claudia Gili, Cristiano Da Rugna, Guido Gnone, Chiara Fissore, Daniel Sanchez, Alan G. McElligott, Marco Gamba, and Daniela Pessani
Vocalizations by Isolated Piglets: A Reliable Indicator of Piglet Need Directed Towards the Sow, Daniel M. Weary, Stephen Ross, and David Fraser
Vocalizations of Isolated Piglets. II. Some Environmental Factors, D. Fraser
Vocalizations of Isolated Piglets. I. Sources of Variation and Relationships Among Measures, D. Fraser
Vocal Response of Piglets to Weaning: Effect of Piglet Age, Daniel M. Weary and David Fraser
Vocal Response to Pain in Piglets, Daniel M. Weary, Leah A. Braithwaite, and David Fraser
Was Hitler a Vegetarian? The Paradox of the Nazi Animal Protection Movement, Harold Herzog
Was Jack the Ripper a Slaughterman? Human-Animal Violence and the World’s Most Infamous Serial Killer, Andrew Knight and Katherine D. Watson
We still need a theory, Paula Droege
What can research on nonhumans tell us about human dissonance?, Jennifer Vonk
What can vigilance tell us about fear?, Guy Beauchamp
What does it feel like to be an electroreceptive fish?, Leo Bernd Kramer
What Do Irish Setters and Girls Named "Jennifer" Tell Us About the Causes of Social Change?, Harold Herzog
What Do People Care More About? Animal Abuse Or Child Abuse, Harold Herzog
What Do "Wild" and "Captive" Mean for Large Ungulates and Carnivores Now and into the Twenty-First Century, Michael Hutchins
What Drives Japanese Whaling Policy?, Christopher Bulter-Stroud
What harmful practices? The material scope of animal protection legislation, Eze Paez
What if all animals are sentient?, Arthur S. Reber
What is the pressing “animal question” about? Thinking/feeling capacity or exploitability?, Gordon Hodson
What Kinds Of People Believe Animals Go To Heaven?, Harold Herzog
What's the Deal with "Furries?", Harold Herzog
When Are Puppies at Their Cutest?, Harold Herzog
White Women Wanted? An Analysis of Gender Diversity in Social Justice Magazines, Corey Lee Wrenn and Megan Lutz
Who's Listening?, Animal Rights International
Who's Lying About Not Eating Meat?, Harold Herzog
Why Are Rape Victims More—Not Less—Likely To Become Pregnant?, Harold Herzog
Why Are There So Few Vegetarians?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Animal Shelter Workers Burn Out?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Animal Tragedies Go Viral?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Chicks Like Music? Why Does Any One?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Dog Breeds with Genetic Disorders Suddenly Get Hot?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Human Friends (But Not Pets) Make People Live Longer?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Most Vegetarians Go Back To Eating Meat?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Small Dogs Have So Many Psychological Problems?, Harold Herzog
Why Kids With Pets Are Better Off, Harold Herzog
Why Would Anybody Eat Their Best Friend?, Animal Rights International
Wild / Captive and Other Suspect Dualisms, Dale Jamieson
Wild Justice - Honor and Fairness Among Beasts at Play, Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce
Wildlife Conservation, Zoos and Animal Protection: A Strategic Analysis, Andrew N. Rowan
Wild Neighbors : The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife, John Hadidian
Wild Neighbors: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife, John Hadidian
Will Getting a Pet Make You Healthier?, Harold Herzog
Will the precautionary principle broaden acceptance of animal sentience?, Simon Leadbeater
Will You Lose Weight By Giving Up Meat?, Harold Herzog
Winning With Archimedian Principles, Henry Spira
Within-Litter Birth Weight Variation in the Domestic Pig and its Relation to Pre-Weaning Survival, Weight Gain, and Variation in Weaning Weights, Barry N. Milligan, David Fraser, and Donald L. Kramer
Would You Save a Puppy or a Child From a Burning Building?, Harold Herzog
Your Dinner Led a Horrible Life, Henry Spira
Your Worst Animal Nightmare, Harold Herzog