Content Posted in 2022
Advocacy & Funding for Farmed Animal Welfare, Andrew N. Rowan
A framework for evaluating evidence of pain in animals, Matilda Gibbons and Lars Chittka
All living organisms are sentient, Arthur S. Reber, Frantisek Baluska, and William B. Miller Jr.
Animal Models in Neuropsychiatry: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Moral Costs?, Carrie Figdor
Animal sentience: history, science, and politics, Andrew N. Rowan, Joyce M. D'Silva, Ian J.H. Duncan, and Nicholas Palmer
Animal sentience in Indian culture: Colonial and post-colonial changes, Nanditha Krishna
Animal sentience research: Synthesis and proposals, Andrew Crump, Heather Browning, Alex Schnell, Charlotte Burn, and Jonathan Birch
Animal sentience science and policy, Andrew Crump
Animals may be more reliably emotional than humans, Gerben A. van Kleef
An Overview of the Issue of Dog Aggression, Dog Bites and Social Policy, Andrew N. Rowan
Are Pets as Good for Us as We Think They Are? What does the science really say about the impact of pets on human health?, Harold Herzog
A ten-stage protocol for assessing the welfare of individual non-captive wild animals: Free roaming horses Equus ferus caballus) as an example, David James Mellor
Attitudes Towards Chickens & Fishes: A Study Of Brazil, Canada, China, & India, Zach Wulderk and Jo Anderson
Back to the Future, Andrew N. Rowan
Baseline Surveys in Mauritius for Street Dog Management, John D. Boone
Can a Moral Machine Make Good Decisions About Animals?, Harold Herzog
Cities, Nature and Human Well-being, John Hadidian
COP27 - Can We Move Forward, Andrew N. Rowan and Kathleen Rowan
Crustacean Pain, Michael Tye
Decapods as food, companions and research animals: Legal impact of ascribing sentience, Jonathan J. Cooper, Ambrose Tinarwo, and Beth A. Ventura
Decapod sentience: broadening the framework, Cecilia de Souza Valente
Decapod sentience: Promising framework and evidence, Jon Mallatt and Todd E. Feinberg MD
Defending human difference by raising the bar, Joe Gough
Defining and assessing sentience, Barry O. Hughes
Distinguishing epistemic and moral grounds for legal protection, Carlos Montemayor
Do Anxious Owners Raise More Anxious Dogs?, Harold Herzog
Does the sentience framework imply all animals are sentient?, Kristin Andrews
Dog Aggression and the Pit Bull Terrier, Andrew N. Rowan
Dog Behavior and Aggression, Andrew N. Rowan
Dog Ecology and Demographics in Several Areas in the Philippines and Its Application to Anti-Rabies Vaccination Programs, Amit Chaudhari, Tamara Kartal, George Brill, Kazami Joanne Amano, Maria Glofezita Lagayan, and Daphne Jorca
Do Kids and Adults Value Animal Lives Differently, Harold Herzog
Doughnut Economics - Incorporating Animal Welfare, Janice H. Cox and Peter Stevenson
Do you Suffer From Pet-Related Separation Anxiety, Hal Herzog
Emotional component of pain perception in the medicinal leech?, Brian D. Burrell
Extending the null hypothesis to invertebrate pain sentience, Eva Kakrada and Michael Colombo
Factory Farming Who Benefits? How a ruinous system is kept afloat?
Farm Animal Welfare in Great Britain: Past, Present and Future
Fine-tuning the criteria for inferring sentience, Culum Brown
Free will and animal suicide, Sabina Schrynemakers
Generalizing frameworks for sentience beyond natural species, Michael Levin
Genes May Have a Big Influence on Vegetarianism, Harold Herzog
Going Vegan Or Vegetarian: Motivations & Influences, Faunalytics, Jo Anderson, and Marina Milyavskaya
Good Practices for Animal Welfare in Agriculture Development, Janice Cox
Happiness – Concept, Measurement and Promotion, Yew Kwang NG
How much of a pain would a crustacean “common currency” really be?, Simon A. B. Brown
Humane Management of Global Dogs, Andrew N. Rowan
Human-Wolf Conflict and Wolf Protection, Andrew N. Rowan
Independence, weight and priority of evidence for sentience, Elizabeth Irvine
Integrating evolution into the study of animal sentience, Walter Veit
International Finance Corporation - Improving Animal Welfare in livestock Operations
Invertebrate Sentience Annotated Bibliography, Anne-Sophie Blouin, Nicolas Goulet, Katherine Mills, Karya St-Pierre, and Stevan Harnad
IPBES 2019. Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services - Full Document, Kathleen Rowan
IPCC - Climate Change 2022 - Full Report
IPCC - Climate Change 2022 - Full Report
IPCC - Climate Change 2022 - Summary for Policymakers
IPCC - Climate Change 2022 - Technical Report, Kathleen Rowan
Is Time with Pets Good for our Cardiovascular Health? The surprising results of 129 studies on dogs’ effect on human health., Harold Herzog
Lack of imagination can bias our view of animal sentience, Brian Key and Deborah Brown
Land Use & Food Supply, Andrew N. Rowan
Legal recognition of animal sentience: the case for cautious optimism, Jane Kotzmann
Letter from the President: Biodiversity and the Smallest Floral Kingdom, Andrew N. Rowan and Kathleen Rowan
Living with Lions, Andrew N. Rowan
Living with Urban Foxes, John Hadidian
Managing Well-Being, Andrew N. Rowan
Modernizing Medical Research to Benefit People and Animals, Jarrod Bailey, Carla Owen, and Isobel Hutchinson
More Evidence Suggests that Vegetarianism is Mostly Due to Genes, Harold Herzog
Motivated science: What humans gain from denying animal sentience, Uri Lifshin
Mouth Pain in Horses: Physiological Foundations, Behavioral Indices, Welfare Implications, and a Suggested Solution, David James Mellor
No need for certainty in animal sentience, Yew Kwang Ng
Of course crustaceans are sentient: But there's more to the story, Arthur S. Reber, Frantisek Baluska, and William B. Miller Jr.
One Health for the SDGs but also for Nature and Animals, Andrew N. Rowan
Operationalising One Health-One Welfare, Janice H. Cox
Overcoming inertia to deliver sentience policy commensurate with sentience science, Claire Bass
Pain in Pleocyemata, but not in Dendrobranchiata?, Gary Comstock
Pain sentience criteria and their grading, Eva Jablonka and Simona Ginsburg
Pet Dog Supply and Demand in the United States, Andrew N. Rowan
Plastics – Challenges for Life Below Water and Life on Land, Andrew N. Rowan
Pros and cons of a framework for evaluating potential pain in decapods, Robert W. Elwood
Protecting the Oceans: Tristan Case Study, Andrew N. Rowan
Recent Surge in Monkeypox in Non-Endemic Countries: Concern for Public Health?, Satisk Kumar Gupta, PhD
Replacing Laboratory Animals in Safety Testing, Andrew N. Rowan
Resource Document on the Nexus between Animal Welfare, the Environment, and Sustainable Development, WellBeing International
Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans, Jonathan Birch, Charolotte Burn, Alexandra Schnell, Heather Browning, and Andrew Crump
Revisiting Donald Griffin, founder of cognitive ethology, Carolyn A. Ristau
RSPCA Report on Animal Outcomes From Our Shelters, Care and Adoption Centres 2019-2020, RSPCA Australia
Sentience and sentient minds, John Anthony Webster
Sentience and the science-policy interface, Jonathan Birch
Sentience as part of emotional lives, Frans B. M. de Waal
Sentience criteria to persuade the reasonable sceptic, Patrick Butlin
Sentience in decapod crustaceans: A general framework and review of the evidence, Andrew Crump, Heather Browning, Alex Schnell, Charlotte Burn, and Jonathan Birch
Sentience in decapods: an open question, Mark Briffa
Sentience in decapods: Difficulties to surmount, Michael L. Woodruff
Sentience politics : a fishy perspective, Culum Brown
Slowly but Steadily, Animals are being Replaced in Safety Testing
Social Progress Index, Andrew N. Rowan
Strong inferences about pain in invertebrates require stronger evidence, Edgar T. Walters
Sustainable Development Matters for Animals Too: Governments Have a Responsibility to Recognize That., Jeff Sebo, Cleo Verkuijl, Maria Jose Hotzel, Ploy Achakulwisut, Mairon Baston Lima, and Jonathan Green
Technology for Improving Street Dog Welfare and Capturing Data in Digital Format during Street Dog Sterilisation Programmes, Amit Chaudhari, George Brill, Indira Chakravarti, Tim Drees, Shrikant Verma, Nidhi Avinash, Abhinandan Jumar Jha, Sitaram Langain, Narendra Bhatt, Sanjit Kuman, Satyanarayan Choudhary, Parvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra, Anju Murali, and Katherine Polak
The 2020 Five Domains Model: Including Human-Animal Interactions in Assessments of Animal Welfare, David J. Mellor, Ngaio J. Beausoleil, Katherine E. Littlewood, Andrew N. McLean, Paul D. McGreery, Bidda Jones, and Christina Williams
The dissonance between knowing animals are sentient beings yet eating them, Yana Bender and Juliane Bräuer
The Global Food System and Sustainability, Andrew N. Rowan
The Impact Of Diet & Different Animal Advocacy Tactics, Andrea Polanco and Jo Anderson
The Nexus Between Animal Welfare, Environment, and Sustainable Development, Andrew N. Rowan
The Puzzling Relationship Between Pet-Keeping and Happiness, Harold Herzog
The question is not “can humans talk?” or “can they suffer?” but “can they reason?”, Clive Phillips
The reality and prevalence of animal sentience, Antonio Damasio
The science of animal sentience and the politics of animal welfare should be kept separate, Marian Stamp Dawkins
The UK Badger Cull: "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics, Mark Jones
The United Nations, Animal Welfare and the Environment, Andrew N. Rowan and Kathleen Rowan
The UN-iversalization of Animal Welfare Law, Sabine Brels
The UN-iversalization of Animal Welfare Law, Sabine Brels
The WellBeing Nexus, Andrew N. Rowan
The Well-Being of Wildlife, Andrew N. Rowan
Time to stop pretending we don’t know other animals are sentient beings, Marc Bekoff
Tourism in the Arctic: A Catalyst for Good or Bad?, Andrew N. Rowan
Truly minimal criteria for animal sentience, Mark Solms
UK Passes its own Animal Sentience Act after Leaving the EU, Andrew N. Rowan
Unconscious humans, autonomous machines and the difficulty of knowing which animals are sentient, Marian Stamp Dawkins
UNEP/EA.5/Res. 1; Resolution-Animal welfare-environment-sutainable development nexus, Kathleen Rowan
United Nations - Convention on Biological Diversity and COP15, Adeline Lerambert
Unresolved issues of behavioral analysis in invertebrates, Charles I. Abramson and Paco Calvo
Vaccinations, Vegans and the Problem of Moral Consistency, Hal Herzog
We Know Animals Have Personalities. Does That Make Them Persons?, Harold Herzog
Well-being Centers and Global Happiness, Andrew N. Rowan
What might decapod sentience mean for policy, practice, and public?, Richard Gorman
What You Didn’t Know About Having a Pandemic Pet, Herzog Harold
Why the recognition of sentience is so important for animal welfare, Mark Jones
Wild animal welfare, Clare Palmer and Peter Sandøe
Wildlife Fertility Control: An Alternative to Lethal Management of Wildlife, Andrew N. Rowan
Wolves Revisited, Andrew N. Rowan
World Happiness Report 2016 Volume 1, John Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey Sachs
World Happiness Report 2017, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey D. Sachs
World Happiness Report 2018, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey D. Sachs
World Happiness Report 2019, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey D. Sachs
World Happiness Report 2021, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, Jeffrey D. Sachs, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve
World Happiness Report 2022, Andrew N. Rowan
World Happiness Report 2022, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, Jeffrey D. Sacks, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Lara B. Atkin, and Shun Wang