
Submissions from 2015


Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity in a Free-Ranging Mammal: Effects of Dominance Rank and Personality, Elodie F. Briefer, James A. Oxley, and Alan G. McElligott


Intrasexual Selection Drives Sensitivity to Pitch, Formants and Duration in the Competitive Calls of Fallow Bucks, Benjamin J. Pitcher, Elodie Briefer, and Alan G. McElligott

Submissions from 2014


Behaviour of Horses in a Judgment Bias Test Associated with Positive or Negative Reinforcement, Sabrina Briefer Freymond, Elodie F. Briefer, Anja Zollinger, Yveline Gindrat-von Allmen, Christa Wyss, and Iris Bachmann


Semi-Wild Chimpanzees Open Hard-Shelled Fruits Differently Across Communities, Bruce Rawlings, Marina Davilla-Ross, and Sarah T. Boysen

Submissions from 2013


Great Ape Mindreading: What’s at Stake?, Kristin Andrews


Goats Favour Personal Over Social Information in an Experimental Foraging Task, Luigi Baciadonna, Alan G. McElligott, and Elodie F. Briefer


Fallow Deer Polyandry is Related to Fertilization Insurance, Elodie F. Briefer, Mary E. Farrell, Thomas J. Hayden, and Alan G. McElligott


Pattern of Social Interactions after Group Integration: A Possibility to Keep Stallions in Group, Sabrina Briefer Freymond, Elodie F. Briefer, Rudolf Von Niederhäusern, and Iris Bachmann

Submissions from 2012


Wild Justice Redux: What We Know About Social Justice in Animals and Why It Matters, Jessica Pierce and Marc Bekoff


Plasticity of Boldness in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss: Do Hunger and Predation Influence Risk-Taking Behaviour?, Jack S. Thomson, Phillip C. Watts, Tom G. Pottinger, and Lynne U. Sneddon

Submissions from 2011


Molecular Correlates of Social Dominance: A Novel Role for Ependymin in Aggression, Lynne U. Sneddon, Rupert Schmidt, Yongxiang Fang, and Andrew R. Cossins


Physiological and Genetic Correlates of Boldness: Characterising the Mechanisms of Behavioural Variation in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Jack S. Thomson, Phillip C. Watts, T. G. Pottinger, and Lynne U. Sneddon

Submissions from 2010


Quality Prevails Over Identity in the Sexually Selected Vocalisations of an Ageing Mammal, Elodie F. Briefer, Elisabetta Vannoni, and Alan G. McElligott


Behavior of a Solitary Sociable Female Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) off the Coast of Kent, Southeast England, Sonja Eisfeld, Mark P. Simmonds, and Laura R. Stansfield

Submissions from 2008


How to Identify Dear Enemies: The Group Signature in the Complex Song of the Skylark Alauda arvensis, Elodie F. Briefer, Thierry Aubin, Katia Lehongre, and Fanny Rybak


When to be a Dear Enemy: Flexible Acoustic Relationships of Neighbouring Skylarks, Alauda arvensis, Elodie Briefer, Fanny Rybak, and Thierry Aubin

Submissions from 2007


Plasticity in Animal Personality Traits: Does Prior Experience Alter the Degree of Boldness?, Ashley J. Frost, Alexandra Winrow-Giffen, Paul J. Ashley, and Lynne U. Sneddon


Fish Behaviour and Welfare, Lynne U. Sneddon

Submissions from 2006


Impact of Environmental Disturbance on the Stability and Benefits of Individual Status within Dominance Hierarchies, Lynne U. Sneddon, Sophie Hawkesworth, Victoria A. Braithwaite, and Julia Yerbury

Submissions from 2003


Play and the Evolution of Fairness: A Game Theory Model, Lee Alan Dugatkin and Marc Bekoff

Submissions from 1998


Translocation Effects on the Behavior of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), John P. Farrar, Karin L. Coleman, Marc Bekoff, and Eric Stone


Impact of an Ecological Factor on the Costs of Resource Acquisition: Fighting and Metabolic Physiology of Crabs, L. U. Sneddon, F. A. Huntingford, and A. C. Taylor

Submissions from 1989


Non-Breeder Asymmetry in Florida Scrub Jays, Jonathan P. Balcombe

Submissions from 1986


Social Ecology and Behavior of Coyotes, Marc Bekoff and Michael C. Wells

Submissions from 1984


Social Play Behavior, Marc Bekoff


Life History Patterns and the Comparative Social Ecology of Carnivores, Marc Bekoff, Thomas J. Daniels, and John L. Gittleman

Submissions from 1982


Behavioral Ecology of Coyotes: Social Organization, Rearing Patterns, Space Use, and Resource Defense, Marc Bekoff and Michael C. Wells


Deep Woodchip Litter: Hygiene, Feeding, and Behavioral Enhancement in Eight Primate Species, Arnold S. Chamove, James R. Anderson, Susan C. Morgan-Jones, and Susan P. Jones


Predation by Wild Coyotes: Behavioral and Ecological Analyses, Michael C. Wells and Marc Bekoff

Submissions from 1980


The Social Ecology of Coyotes, Marc Bekoff and Michael C. Wells

Submissions from 1979


The Ontogeny and Organization of Comfort Behavior in Adelie Penguins, Marc Bekoff, David G. Ainley, and Anne Bekoff

Submissions from 1978


Quantitative Analyses of the Ontogeny of Predatory Behaviour in Coyotes, Canis Latrans, Louis E. Vincent and Marc Bekoff