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Adolescents exhibit affection for numerous vertebrates and appear to sympathize and to identify with traumas these animals experience. Therapeutic benefits students attach to nurturing and breeding certain vertebrates are evident; destruction of these same creatures produces clearly negative attitudes by students toward the science course and the instructor. "Case histories" documented while teaching high school students working with vertebrates are reviewed and are related to specific techniques (e.g., pithing) utilized by numerous instructors. Motivation, increased attention span, sustained interest, involvement with community issues and other desirable educational goals are demonstrated to be resultants of student involvement with living vertebrates studied in their "natural" state.
Recommended Citation
Krause, L.M. (1980). Student (and animal) welfare. In H. McGiffin & N. Brownley (Eds.), Animals in education: Use of animals in high school biology classes and science fairs (pp. 17-22). Washington, DC: The Institute for the Study of Animal Problems.
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Educational Methods Commons, Humane Education Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons
ANIMALS IN EDUCATION is the proceedings of the conference, "The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs," held September 27-28, 1979 in Washington, D.C. which was sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Animal Problems, 2100 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. in connection with The Myrin Institute for Adult Education, 521 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021.