"Objectives of Animal Use in Biology Courses" by William V. Mayer

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To confine discussion of educational use of animals to experimentation is to focus on only part of the animal use problem. To focus on use of animals in the classroom solely is to negate the value of field and community resource areas such as zoos, animal parks, nature trails, etc. The primary objective in dealing with living organisms is to inculcate a respect for all life. Objectives that focus on use of living animals for experimental purposes can, at best, be secondary and may in many cases be contrived. An understanding of animal life requirements and animal contributions is an objective worthy of pursuit. Living animals in the classroom give viability to biological studies and provide opportunities for animal-human interaction that can be channeled into a series of positive behaviors. Animals have been misused in classrooms by being considered solely as experimental objects through which to ascertain the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. Much broader objectives must be sought if animal use is to make a meaningful contribution to the educated citizenry of the future.


ANIMALS IN EDUCATION is the proceedings of the conference, "The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs," held September 27-28, 1979 in Washington, D.C. which was sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Animal Problems, 2100 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. in connection with The Myrin Institute for Adult Education, 521 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021.
