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A general review of the variety of activities involving the direct use of animals which are undertaken in secondary schools. An assessment is made of their value (positive and negative) in terms of knowledge and attitudes (including ethics) which are, or might be, derived from them. Alternative methods also are reviewed with an assessment of their value in relation to live animal studies.


'This paper is an edited version of " Organisms in Schools: Retrospect and Prospect" , published in The Educational Use of Living Organisms: A Source Book. P.J. Kelly and J.D. Wray, eds .. 1975. English Universities Press. London. U.K.

ANIMALS IN EDUCATION is the proceedings of the conference, "The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs," held September 27-28, 1979 in Washington, D.C. which was sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Animal Problems, 2100 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. in connection with The Myrin Institute for Adult Education, 521 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021.
