"Fundamental Criteria for Determining the Educational Value of Live Ani" by David H. Neil

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The author contends that great and very detailed attention to one minuscule facet of experimental animal biology, particularly if it requires the skilled and uniform alteration of a significant number of animals, is of no real educational value to a high school student. This type of work, the necessity for it and the full understanding of its significance to the furtherance of human understanding must be the province only of those who are intellectually prepared. The suggestion is made that projects, which develop a more complete understanding of common and profoundly important elements in life (as we know it), should comprise the first steps for the aspiring bioscientist. Unfortunately, this is by no means a universal point of view, and educational programs still tend to be prematurely piecemeal and fragmented. The author concludes the presentation with examples of animal experimentation which might well serve as a catalyst to a sound understanding of biology where fife is perceived as a fully integrated process.


ANIMALS IN EDUCATION is the proceedings of the conference, "The Use of Animals in High School Biology Classes and Science Fairs," held September 27-28, 1979 in Washington, D.C. which was sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Animal Problems, 2100 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. in connection with The Myrin Institute for Adult Education, 521 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021.
