"Humane Education Programs for Youth (Panel Discussion)" by Virgil S. Hollis, Sherwood Norman et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Part I - Dr. Virgil S. Hollis

Developing the number of school administrators who are increasingly becoming interested in humaneness and the humane society members who are interested in education, I think, means that all of us must keep close touch with each other although we know very little of each other's field. This exposure to you and your programs in meetings such as this will surely result in a united attack on a mutual problem We need your help. And you need our help. You need help from the group that I represent in education because the many programs that are part of your cause for which you struggle will only be realized when you find a way for them to become a part of the educational program in the schools. There is a need for your programs in our curriculums. But just how do we get them there? This is our big question. I do hope that at the conclusion of this session we will arrive at some idea of what we might be able to do.

Part II - Sherwood Norman

I would like to treat my role in this discussion of humane education from the point of view of preventing delinquency. The prevention of delinquency and youth crime begins with the kind of environment we provide for our children - in homes, school, community, nation and world. It continues with the services available to parents and children on the verge of trouble and in heed of help, and it concludes with the effectiveness of correctional services after court processing. I hope, when you go back to your communities, you will cease to think about the correction of crime as a police problem (once you get them apprehended, put them away and forget about them). This is the general attitude of people who want more and more and more police protection, which is needed, without giving consideration to what happens afterward.

Part III - Dr. Jean McClure Kelty

I would contend that the basic philosophy of the western world is antithetical to our convictions about animals. We of the humane movement have produced no philosophy to counter it. Therefore, the young people we influence by programs like The Kindness Club must either reject what we have taught them and ultimately be absorbed into the system or they must remain outside the system for life, misfits, and therefore impotent.


Speakers at HSUS conferences are invited to express their personal opinions about the variety of subjects covered. The papers here published are not necessarily in agreement with policies of The HSUS.
