"Humane Education of the Next Generation of Americans" by Stuart Westerlund

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In the process of education, three major aspects stand out sharply: philosophy, psychology, and evaluation. It is through philosophy of education that we establish goals and objectives. In other words, where are we going? What do we want? What is really important? Without a philosophy we wander aimlessly in the vast desert known as "no man's land." Psychology speaks of methodology, the means whereby we might achieve our goals; it is the instrument by which we hope to achieve our objectives. Without a methodology we are like a ship without a rudder. We may know where we want to go, but are unable to get there because we lack the required mechanism. I mention evaluation as the third major aspect because it helps us to determine the extent to which we have achieved our goals. It seems to me that these three major aspects of education are important.

Applying this scheme to the subject under discussion, I would like to point out that in our society, in every age, there has existed-at least in a general way-the goal of humaneness. This goal has not always been implicit nor even explicit but has nevertheless permeated the very essence of our national heritage. Relative to education, this goal has received only incidental treatment relative to a positive developmental approach. I am not at all certain that there exists, on the part of many educators, an awareness of such a goal in education. This can be recognized when we examine the various methods and materials utilized in our schools today. It is also recognized by the fact that there exists little understanding with regards to the terms "humaneness" and/or "humane education."


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