"The National Humane Education Center and the Welfare of Animals" by Mel L. Morse

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The role of all humane organizations is the prevention of cruelty and, in order to do this, we must be prepared to show a better way. We cannot stand back saying "no" or "you can't do that" unless we are prepared to show why. We must understand that cruelty is not always a sadistic act and one whose perpetrator needs the attention of a psychiatrist. I am sure that there are many cruelty cases that should be handled in such a manner, but not very many of them get or deserve this distinction. Usually we move to correct the problem and try to see that it does not happen again; then we use the cruelty case to point out some of the evils and go on to the next one.

I must point out, also, that very little humane education is involved in formal education. This is not true because of a lack of interest, but there has been no great effort nationally to see that effective tools and useful information is offered. There is a great need for such education and students graduating from teachers' colleges should have been indoctrinated in humane education, the reasons for it, and methods of teaching it. With such a background we will see more instruction given to pupils on the benefits of a knowledge of the reasons for kindness, compassion and consideration, not only for animals, but for humans.


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