Serial - All Animals 2009-15 | Vol 15 | Iss 4

Serial - All Animals 2009-15

Volume 15 | Issue 4 (JUL / AUG 2013)



To the Rescue

Exotic cats escape backyard squalor; new life for nearly 250 Chihuahuas and shar-peis


Front Lines

Targeting Asian Dog Meat Trade; Beneficent Birthdays; Youngster Speaks Out for Sharks; No Justification for Tail Docking; Man-Made Oases for Wildlife; Honoring Corporate Leaders


Lives in the Balance

Hawaii has the densest population of free-roaming cats in the U.S. and the highest concentration of threatened and endangered birds. An HSUS-led coalition is uniting feline advocates and conservationists to search for solutions that benefit both.


What a Difference a Day Makes

Born in WWI patriotism, Meatless Monday has undergone a revival—spurred by human health, animal welfare, and environmental concerns. Millions are heeding the call for reduced meat consumption, while innovative dishes are making Monday the most flavorful day of the week.


Firing Back on Lead Shot

California condors and golden eagles are just two of 130 species suffering the effects of lead ammunition. An HSUS-backed bill in California would force hunters to get the lead out.



Making Waves

“When a coastal species suffers, surfers are there to bear witness”: Professional wave rider Dave Rastovich is the prince of tides for denizens of the deep.


Humane Living

Summer Chillin’

Languid lizards, sluggish squirrels, overheated orioles? Help backyard wildlife beat the heat with DIY dipping spots and shade zones.

In the Limelight

Classical music goes to the dogs with A Grateful Tail; book explores canine smarts; documentary highlights orphaned orca’s plight.


Hometown Heroes

One Clear Moment

Entering a puppy mill facility six years ago, Theresa Strader discovered her life’s mission. Her National Mill Dog Rescue group has since saved thousands from breeding mills.


Your Pet

Backup Plan

Estate planning experts and others urge pet owners to prepare for the worst—to ensure the worst never befalls their faithful companions.


Celebrating Animals

Photos from our readers