Serial - All Animals 2009-15
Volume 16 | Issue 1 (JAN / FEB 2014)
Puppy mill survivor takes life by the wheels; prairie dogs saved from Colorado floods; rescuers hit the streets in the typhoon-ravaged Philippines.
Restoring Rhinos’ Future; Pets for Life Expands; Farm Focus in Latin America; Putting Officers on the Case
Dirty, crowded, and largely unregulated, flea markets are a little-known venue for puppy mills to peddle their products of cruelty. Pet stores are in the public eye, but many won’t or can’t reveal the sources of their dogs. An HSUS investigation in Texas examines the connections.
The cats of the Internet are calling to us, and we just can’t get enough. Go behind the scenes with five felines whose fans are as devoted as any rock star’s.
Tens of millions of sharks each year suffer excruciating deaths to supply the global demand for shark fin soup. Consumers, governments, and corporations are generating momentum to end this ecologically devastating practice.
Creed of Compassion
“People don’t see how the chicken lives”: Evangelist and environmentalist Matthew Sleeth brings concern for animals to Christian audiences.
Planting the Seeds
Homegrown seedlings provide a wildlife-friendly alternative to insecticide-doused plants found in many big-box stores.
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy Kid-friendly chickenless nuggets: Try this healthy take on a favorite staple for developing palates.
The Killing actress Mireille Enos stars in a new short film on American mustangs; book, movie reviews.
Grassroots Guardians
When it comes to helping animals, Vermont’s Green Mountain Animal Defenders does it all.
Crate Escapes
Crate training can save your carpet, keep your pet out of trouble, and even serve as a cozy getaway.