"The difference between conscious and unconscious brain circuits" by Ezequiel Morsella and Zaviera Reyes


Theoretical frameworks in which consciousness is an inherent property of the neuron must account for the contrast between conscious and unconscious processes in the brain and address how neural events can ever be unconscious if consciousness is a property of all neurons. Other approaches have sought answers regarding consciousness by contrasting conscious and unconscious processes and through investigating the complex interactions between the two kinds of processes, as occurs most notably in human voluntary action. In voluntary action, consciousness is associated most, not with motor control or low-level perceptual processing, but with the stage of processing known as action selection.

Author Biography

Ezequiel Morsella, Director of the Action and Consciousness Laboratory, San Francisco State University (SFSU), does research on the differences between the conscious and unconscious brain circuits underlying human action production.


Zaviera Reyes, a graduate of the Master of Arts program at San Francisco State University (SFSU), investigates the behavioral and cognitive mechanisms, including conscious processes, associated with responding adaptively to everyday stressors and with resilient outcomes.



