
Key, Brian (2016) Why fish do not feel pain. Animal Sentience 3(1)

Balcombe, Jonathan (2016) Cognitive evidence of fish sentience. Animal Sentience 3(2)

Braithwaite, Victoria A. and Droege, Paula (2016) Why human pain can’t tell us whether fish feel pain. Animal Sentience 3(3)

Broom, Donald M. (2016) Fish brains and behaviour indicate capacity for feeling pain. Animal Sentience 3(4)

Brown, Culum (2016) Comparative evolutionary approach to pain perception in fishes. Animal Sentience 3(5)

Chella, Antonio (2016) Robot fish do not need sentience. Animal Sentience 3(6)

Dinets, Vladimir (2016) No cortex, no cry. Animal Sentience 3(7)

Haikonen, Pentti O. (2016) On the sentience of fish. Animal Sentience 3(8)

Hart, Paul J.B. (2016) Fighting forms of expression. Animal Sentience 3(9)

Jones, Robert C. (2016) Fish sentience and the precautionary principle. Animal Sentience 3(10)

Manzotti, Riccardo (2016) No evidence that pain is painful neural process. Animal Sentience 3(11)

Mather, Jennifer A. (2016) An invertebrate perspective on pain. Animal Sentience 3(12)

Ng, Yew-Kwang (2016) Could fish feel pain? A wider perspective. Animal Sentience 3(13)

Seth, Anil K. (2016) Why fish pain cannot and should not be ruled out. Animal Sentience 3(14)

Striedter, Georg (2016) Lack of neocortex does not imply fish cannot feel pain. Animal Sentience 3(15)

Key, Brian (2016) Going beyond just-so stories. Animal Sentience 3(38)

Baluška, František (2016) Should fish feel pain? A plant perspective. Animal Sentience 3(16)

Burghardt, Gordon (2016) Mediating claims through critical anthropomorphism. Animal Sentience 3(17)

Derbyshire, Stuart W.G. (2016) Fish lack the brains and the psychology for pain. Animal Sentience 3(18)

Elwood, Robert W. (2016) A single strand of argument with unfounded conclusion. Animal Sentience 3(19)

Gagliano, Monica (2016) What would the Babel fish say?. Animal Sentience 3(20)

Godfrey-Smith, Peter (2016) Pain in parallel. Animal Sentience 3(21)

Gonçalves-de-Freitas, Eliane (2016) Pain and fish welfare. Animal Sentience 3(22)

Merker, Bjorn (2016) Drawing the line on pain. Animal Sentience 3(23)

Rose, James D. (2016) Pain in fish: Weighing the evidence. Animal Sentience 3(25)

Shriver, Adam J. (2016) Cortex necessary for pain — but not in sense that matters. Animal Sentience 3(27)

Sneddon, Lynne U. and Leach, Matthew C. (2016) Anthropomorphic denial of fish pain. Animal Sentience 3(28)

Stevens, E. Don (2016) Why is fish “feeling” pain controversial?. Animal Sentience 3(29)

Van Rysewyk, Simon (2016) Nonverbal indicators of pain. Animal Sentience 3(30)

Wadiwel, Dinesh Joseph (2016) Fish and pain: The politics of doubt. Animal Sentience 3(31)

Key, Brian (2016) Falsifying the null hypothesis that “fish do not feel pain". Animal Sentience 3(39)

Brown, Culum (2016) Fish pain: An inconvenient truth. Animal Sentience 3(32)

Damasio, Antonio and Damasio, Hanna (2016) Pain and other feelings in humans and animals. Animal Sentience 3(33)

Devor, Marshall (2016) Where is pain in the brain?. Animal Sentience 3(34)

Diggles, B. K. (2016) Fish pain: Would it change current best practice in the real world?. Animal Sentience 3(35)

Walters, Edgar T. (2016) Pain-capable neural substrates may be widely available in the animal kingdom. Animal Sentience 3(37)

Merker, Bjorn H. (2016) How not to move the line drawn on pain. Animal Sentience 3(40)

Safina, Carl (2016) Fish pain: A painful topic. Animal Sentience 3(41)

Bowers, Robert Ian (2016) Devaluation as a strategy to address behaviourally whether fish feel. Animal Sentience 3(43)

Key, Brian (2016) Burden of proof lies with proposer of celestial teapot hypothesis. Animal Sentience 3(44)

Safina, Carl (2016) Fish pain's burden of proof. Animal Sentience 3(45)

Merker, Bjorn H. (2016) The line drawn on pain still holds. Animal Sentience 3(46)

Holmes, Tim Q. (2020) Impact of UK sport fishing on fish welfare and conservation. Animal Sentience 3(47)