"An empirical perspective on animal advocacy" by Allison M. Smith and Jacy Reese


Ng (2016) lists some modest examples of goals that animal advocates could work towards. We provide examples of more ambitious animal advocacy strategies that are successful now, and strategies that researchers can use to engage productively with animal advocates. We also agree with Ng and some other commentators that animal advocates and researchers should prioritize the interests of individual wild animals over the preservation of nonsentient entities.

Author Biography

Allison Smith is Director of Research at Animal Charity Evaluators. She leads a team that researches interventions and organizations to determine how advocates can do the most good for animals. http://www.animalcharityevaluators.org/

Jacy Reese is a Research Associate at Animal Charity Evaluators and a leading voice in the “effective animal advocacy” community. His work has been featured in Huffington Post, Vox, Salon, and elsewhere. http://www.jacyreese.com


