Piotti, Patrizia (2017) Positive emotions and quality of life in dogs. Animal Sentience 14(17)
Commentary Type
Open Commentary
Miiamaaria V. Kujala, Canine emotions as seen through human social cognition
Positive affect is fundamental to ensuring good animal welfare. Discrete and dimensional theories of emotion have recently been used to explore the relation between cognition and affect and to develop cognitive measures of positive affect. Human quality-of-life assessment focuses on positive affect, which is difficult to measure objectively in dogs. Expanding on Kujala’s (2017) discussion of positive emotions and cognitive measures of affect, I suggest how these are relevant to assessing canine quality of life.
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Animal Studies Commons, Cognition and Perception Commons, Cognitive Neuroscience Commons, Cognitive Psychology Commons, Comparative Psychology Commons, Evolution Commons, Experimental Analysis of Behavior Commons, Zoology Commons