
Commentary Type

Invited Commentary


Lynne U. Sneddon, Javier Lopez-Luna, David C.C. Wolfenden, Matthew C. Leach, Ana M. Valentim, Peter J. Steenbergen, Nabila Bardine, Amanda D. Currie, Donald M. Broom, and Culum Brown, Fish sentience denial: Muddying the waters


Recent denial of fish sentience is at variance with the fact that all living organisms need environmental awareness in order to survive in a continuously fluctuating environment. Moreover, fish sentience – like plant sentience – is also strongly supported by the sensitivity of fishes and plants to diverse anesthetics.

Author Biography

Ken Yokawa is assistant professor at Center for Bioscience Research and Education, Ustunomiya University. He works on root tropism and behavior, and especially the light response of roots is his main interest. He conducted anesthesia studies using plants when he was a post-doc at the University of Bonn. researchmap.jp/ken2yo/

František Baluška, group leader at IZMB, University of Bonn, Germany, is interested in the integration of plant cell biology and plant physiology with plant sensory ecology and electrophysiology, generating the emerging field of plant neurobiology. He has founded and edits two new journals, Plant Signaling & Behavior and Communicative & Integrative Biology, as well as the Springer book series Signaling and Communication in Plants. ds9.botanik.uni-bonn.de/zellbio/AG-Baluska-Volkmann/


