

Lori Marino and Debra Merskin, Intelligence, complexity, and individuality in sheep


Marino & Merskin’s (2019) review contains key information about the complexity of sheep and their intelligence level, but lacks practical application. The key to making any long-term changes to sheep welfare at an industry level is by generating research that is practically relevant to the sector. The practical application of research should be considered at the design stage and in consultation with producers. Additionally, thought needs to be given to how the practical application of the research will be transferred to those people directly involved in animal care (e.g., producers, stockpersons, etc.). Focusing on the practical relevance and application of research at all stages of the process will foster changes to long-held beliefs and attitudes.

Author Biography

Krista McLennan, lecturer in Animal Behavior and programme leader for the Bioveterinary Science degree at Chester University, specializes in farm animal behavior and welfare and is particularly interested in studying pain in sheep. She published the first facial expression scale for sheep, the SPFES. Website


