"Animal sentience research: Synthesis and proposals" by Andrew Crump, Heather Browning et al.


Andrew Crump, Heather Browning, Alex Schnell, Charlotte Burn, and Jonathan Birch, Sentience in decapod crustaceans: A general framework and review of the evidence


Most commentaries on our target article broadly support our approach to evaluating evidence of animal sentience. In this Response, we clarify the framework’s purpose and address criticisms of our criteria. A recurring theme is that a framework to synthesise current evidence of sentience is not the same as an agenda for future directions in animal sentience research. Although future directions are valuable, our framework aims to evaluate existing evidence and inform animal welfare legislation.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Author Biography

Andrew Crump, Research Officer, LSE, works on the Foundations of Animal Sentience project, specializing in invertebrate sentience and animal welfare. He previously completed a PhD in Biological Sciences at Queen’s University Belfast. Website

Lecturer, Philosophy, University of Southampton, Heather Browning specializes in animal welfare. Alongside her academic career, Browning has worked as a zookeeper and animal welfare officer. Website

Alexandra Schnell, Research Fellow, Darwin College, University of Cambridge, focuses on comparing cognitive abilities, such as learning and memory, in diverse taxa including cephalopods and corvids. Website

Associate Professor, Royal Veterinary College, Charlotte Burn is Deputy Head of Animal Welfare Science and Ethics and specializes in the mechanisms and motivations behind animal behaviour and perception and how to make concrete improvements to animal welfare. Website

Jonathan Birch, Associate Professor, LSE, is the Principal Investigator on the Foundations of Animal Sentience project, a five-year Horizon 2020 project investigating animal sentience. Website


