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For many animal species, the ability to adapt to coexistence with the human species and to the environmental changes that humans cause is a biological imperative. This adaptive capacity varies not only between species, but within species. Studying individual differences in animals’ behavioral, cognitive and physiological adaptability is important for integrating ethology and conservation. Findings about animal cognitive capacities, including learning, need to be applied in conservation—but humans need to be educated about ethology, coexistence and conservation too.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Author Biography

Valeria Mazza is a lecturer at the University of Tuscia, Italy. Her research focuses on the role of between-individual variation in behaviour and cognition in coping with the challenges of current human-induced environmental change. Website

Claudio Carere is Professor of Animal Behavior at the University of Tuscia, Italy. He teaches animal behavior and evolution and conducts research on collective behavior and animal personality in many animal species, including invertebrates, in relation to animal welfare, human-wildlife conflicts, and conservation. Website


