Oldfield, Ronald G and Bonano, Patrick (2024) Psychological and social well-being of bony fishes in zoos and aquariums. Animal Sentience 36(1)
Research on the behaviour of animals in zoos has been conducted for decades, and observations have provided information that has improved the psychological and social well-being of animals. However, research on fishes in zoos and aquariums seems to be lacking. Here, we assess the current state of research on fishes in zoos and aquariums by surveying the peer-reviewed literature. Our assessment differs from previous surveys in that we examine the taxonomic classes Chondrichthyes (sharks and rays) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes) separately. Our survey finds that bony fishes have been drastically underrepresented in zoo journals, more drastically than chondrichthyans, revealing an urgent need for zoos and aquariums to conduct research on the behaviour of the bony fishes in their care to ensure a positive state of psychological and social well-being. We conclude that data-driven analyses of fish behaviour could aid in the development of evidence-based practices that enhance the well-being of bony fishes in zoos and aquariums, just as they already do for terrestrial animals.
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Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons, Behavior and Ethology Commons, Biodiversity Commons, Ethics and Political Philosophy Commons, Marine Biology Commons, Philosophy of Mind Commons, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Commons
Article Thread
Oldfield, Ronald G and Bonano, Patrick (2024) Psychological and social well-being of bony fishes in zoos and aquariums. Animal Sentience 36(1)
Rose, Paul (2024) Understanding the welfare of aquarium fish. Animal Sentience 36(3)
Maia, Caroline M (2024) Why is fish welfare still so neglected?. Animal Sentience 36(4)
Chiang, Chiaowen and Franks, Becca (2024) Social learning and cultural enrichment for fish welfare. Animal Sentience 36(5)
Mather, Jennifer A, Ph.D. (2024) Not just bony fish: all nonmammalian and nonavian animals are neglected in both welfare and general research. Animal Sentience 36(6)
Brown, Culum (2024) Can we use judgement bias to assess the welfare of fish in aquariums and zoos?. Animal Sentience 36(2)