Animal Sheltering 2010-12
Animal Sheltering is a magazine for anyone who cares about the health and happiness of animals and people in their community, and looks at the broader picture of the state of pets in the U.S.
President's Note Humane milestones
Coffee Break In your space, you told us what features you’d like to include if you were building a new animal shelter, and why you think they’re important.
Better With Age Finding homes for adult and senior cats
Feeding Your Fire (Without Burning Out) Managing compassion fatigue and stress in animal welfare work
Life in the Fast Lane Shifting the most in-demand pets into high gear sends shelter systems revving
Culture Corner Books, movies, and other cool stuff for animal lovers.
Sealed with a Kiss—and Scads of Marketing Savvy A panel discussion of best practices in direct mail for animal welfare groups
Tracking Data, Helping Animals The Humane Research Council pushes research to improve animal advocacy
Good Laws for Four Paws Animal welfare supporters need to be aware of legislation and court cases that may affect their work
Better Behavior through the Food Dish An advanced guide to improving dog behavior and welfare with dietary management
Unforgettable Protecting his human from her abusive boyfriend? We’re sure “Hank” did it this way.