Submissions from 2019
The Strange Link Between Pet Ownership and Cancer in Women, Harold Herzog
Did Breast-Feeding Play A Role In the Evolution of Pets?, Harold Herzog
Is a Love of Dogs Mostly a Matter of Where You Live?, Harold Herzog
Do Our Genes Really Affect Our Relationships with Pets?, Harold Herzog
Do Therapy Dogs Belong in Hospital Emergency Rooms?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Kids Become Less Attached To Pets As They Get Older?, Harold Herzog
Recent Research Shows How To Get People To Cut Back On Meat, Harold Herzog
Should Self-Driving Cars Spare People Over Pets?, Harold Herzog
Media Coverage of Pet Therapy Research Often Gets It Wrong, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2018
Here's Why There Will Be a Lot Fewer Animals on Planes, Harold Herzog
The Baffling Connection Between Vegetarianism and Depression, Harold Herzog
How Important Is the Animal in Animal-Assisted Therapy?, Harold Herzog
Tripping Over Pets Can Have Life-Changing Consequences, Harold Herzog
"Fido" or "Freddie"? Why Do Some Pet Names Become Popular?, Harold Herzog
Does Having Pets Really Make Us Healthier?, Harold Herzog
Hurting Pets to Get Attention and Drugs: A Growing Problem, Harold Herzog
What’s the Deal With Vegetarians Who Hate Vegetables?, Harold Herzog
The Puzzling Geography of Animal Shelter Dog Euthanasia, Harold Herzog
Brain Syndrome Can Make Owners Think Pets Are Impostors, Harold Herzog
Do Children With Cats Have More Mental Health Problems?, Harold Herzog
Why Does Cloning Your Dog Just Seem Wrong?, Harold Herzog
Animal Cruelty Does Not Predict Who Will Be A School Shooter, Harold Herzog
Do Psychiatric Service Dogs Really Help Veterans with PTSD?, Harold Herzog
Why Certain People Are More Likely to Be Attacked by a Dog, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2017
How "Pet-tie" Are Dogs? What About Goldfish and Lizards?, Harold Herzog
26 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Our Love for Pets, Harold Herzog
Why Do People Think Animals Make Good Therapists?, Harold Herzog
How Social Contagion Helps Explain Our Pet Choices, Harold Herzog
Therapy Dogs for Homesick College Students?, Harold Herzog
What's the Deal with "Furries?", Harold Herzog
Why Kids With Pets Are Better Off, Harold Herzog
Large Study Finds Pet Owners Are Different, Harold Herzog
Can Pet Crickets Improve the Well-being of the Elderly?, Harold Herzog
Can Dogs Help Solve Our Childhood Obesity Problem?, Harold Herzog
Why Do Animal Shelter Workers Burn Out?, Harold Herzog
How Much Solidarity Do You Feel With Animals?, Harold Herzog
25 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dogs, Harold Herzog
Why Do Dog Breeds with Genetic Disorders Suddenly Get Hot?, Harold Herzog
Study Finds Dog-Walkers Have More Bad Mental Health Days!, Harold Herzog
Do Vegetarians Smell Sexier?, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2016
Narcissism and Exotic Pets: Is There a Connection?, Harold Herzog
Think Twice Before Giving Medical Marijuana to Your Pet, Harold Herzog
Are Pet Owners Really at Greater Risk of Cancer?, Harold Herzog
Farm Animal Suffering Leaves a Bad Taste In Your Mouth, Harold Herzog
What Kinds Of People Believe Animals Go To Heaven?, Harold Herzog
Are the Results of Animal Therapy Studies Unreliable?, Harold Herzog
When Are Puppies at Their Cutest?, Harold Herzog
Emotional Support Animals: The Therapist's Dilemma, Harold Herzog
Why Do Animal Tragedies Go Viral?, Harold Herzog
Does Breed Popularity Go Up After A Dog Wins At Westminster?, Harold Herzog
Therapy Dogs or Robots for Nursing Home Residents?, Harold Herzog
8 Misconceptions About Therapy, Service, and Support Animals, Harold Herzog
Will You Lose Weight By Giving Up Meat?, Harold Herzog
Three Reasons Why Pets Don't Lower Health Care Costs, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2015
Here's Why Your Dog Might Not Be As Cute As You Think, Harold Herzog
How Scary Are the Mental Health Risks of Vegetarianism?, Harold Herzog
Stress Relief in Seven Minutes, Doggie Style, Harold Herzog
Does Having a Pet Make You More Attractive?, Harold Herzog
Vegetarianism and Money: Surprising Results from a New Study, Harold Herzog
Do Dog Owners REALLY Make Better Lovers?, Harold Herzog
Eating Cats, Harold Herzog
Baboons Might Kidnap Puppies (But Not As Pets), Harold Herzog
Encounters with Dead Pets: A Study of the Evolution of Grief, Harold Herzog
The Beneficial Effects of Animals on Children With Autism, Harold Herzog
Congress Should Declare That Mice Are Animals - Now!, Harold Herzog
Is Sadomasochism a Uniquely Human Form of Sexuality?, Harold Herzog
Dogs Can't Cure Cancer, Harold Herzog
How “Natural” Is A Cloned Cow...Or A Cloned Dog?, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2014
Five Questions That Reveal How Much You Care About Animals, Harold Herzog
84% of Vegetarians and Vegans Return to Meat. Why?, Harold Herzog
Does Animal-Assisted Therapy Really Work?, Harold Herzog
The Dog Movie Star Effect: Is It Real?, Harold Herzog
Who's Lying About Not Eating Meat?, Harold Herzog
Should Pets Be Banished From the Bedroom?, Harold Herzog
Can Dogs Warn Their Owners of Impending Migraines?, Harold Herzog
Service Animal Scams: A Growing Problem, Harold Herzog
The Morality of Marathon Dog Races, Harold Herzog
The Dog Show Vs. The Olympics: The Judges' Dilemma, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2013
Why Do Small Dogs Have So Many Psychological Problems?, Harold Herzog
What Do People Care More About? Animal Abuse Or Child Abuse, Harold Herzog
"Dogs ARE Persons!" (The Other Side of the Debate), Harold Herzog
Are Dogs People? Really?, Harold Herzog
Animal Cruelty and the Sadism of Everyday Life, Harold Herzog
Why Do Human Friends (But Not Pets) Make People Live Longer?, Harold Herzog
Would You Save a Puppy or a Child From a Burning Building?, Harold Herzog
Should We De-Sex All Of Our Pets?, Harold Herzog
Crustacean Rights: The Case of the "Lucky" Crabs, Harold Herzog
Submissions from 2012
The Problem With Incest, Harold Herzog
Are You an Animal Person? It Could Be In Your Genes, Harold Herzog
Why Are Rape Victims More—Not Less—Likely To Become Pregnant?, Harold Herzog
Puppies, Kittens, and Human Health: Science Versus Wishful Thinking, Harold Herzog
Do Pets Prevent Sudden Death In Children With Epilepsy?, Harold Herzog
Do Pets Go To Heaven?, Harold Herzog
Puppies and Broken Hearts, Harold Herzog
In Defense of (Some) Meat, Harold Herzog
A Blood Sport For The Rich and Famous?, Harold Herzog
Horse Racing: Cruelties We Condone and Cruelties We Condemn, Harold Herzog
Natural Healers: The Four Pillars of Medicine and How Animals Use Them, Harold Herzog
Animals On the Borderline: The Horse Slaughter Controversy, Harold Herzog and Jenny Vermilya
Your Worst Animal Nightmare, Harold Herzog