Application of Alternative Methods Collection | Alternatives to Animal Experimentation | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2014


Strategic Focus on 3R Principles Reveals Major Reductions in the Use of Animals in Pharmaceutical Toxicity Testing, Elin Törnqvist, Anita Annas, Britta Granath, Elisabeth Jalkesten, Ian Cotgreave, and Mattias Öberg

Submissions from 2004


Expanding the Three Rs to Meet New Challenges in Humane Animal Experimentation, Catherine A. Schuppli, David Fraser, and MIchael McDonald

Submissions from 2003


Neuroanatomy of the Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) From Magnetic Resonance Images, Lori Marino, Keith Sudheimer, Diana Sarko, Gayle Sirpenski, and John I. Johnson

Submissions from 2001


Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Three-Dimensional Reconstructions of the Brain of a Fetal Common Dolphin, Delphinus delphis, Lori Marino, Timothy L. Murphy, Lyad Gozal, and John I. Johnson


Anatomy and Three-Dimensional Reconstructions of the Brain of a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) From Magnetic Resonance Images, Lori Marino, Keith D. Sudheimer, Timothy L. Murphy, Kristina K. Davis, D. Ann Pabst, William A. McLellan, James K. Rilling, and John I. Johnson

Submissions from 1983


Protection of Animals and Animal Experimentation: A Survey of Scientific Experts, Norbert Lagoni, Joachim Fiebelkorn, and Hans-Joachim Wormuth