
Submissions from 2023


Animal Shelter Management of Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in Cats, Julie Levy, Cynda Crawford, Keegan Spera, E. Susan Amirian, and Paola Dezubiria

Submissions from 2020


Assessment of Body Weight for Age Determination in Kittens, Brian DiGangi, Julie Levy, Jessica Graves, Natalie Isaza, Sylvia Tucker, and Christine Budke


Assessment of Body Weight for Age Determination in Kittens, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Brian DiGangi, Sylvia Tucker, Jessica Graves, Christine Budke, and Natalie Isaza

Submissions from 2018


Hybrid Model Intermediate Between a Laboratory and Field Study: A Humane Paradigm Shift in Feline Research, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Amy Fischer, Joanne Maki, Valerie Benka, Kevin Morris, George Weedon, Linda Rhodes, Kayla Myers, and Joyce Briggs


Rapid Diagnosis of Babesia Gibsoni by Point-of-Need Testing by Insulated Isothermal PCR in Dogs at High Risk of Infection, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Patrick Frenzer, K L. Cooke, Sylvia Tucker, Sarah Kirk, and Cynda Crawford

Submissions from 2016


Comparison of Non-contact Infrared Thermometry and Rectal thermometry in Cats, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Sylvia Tucker, and Kelly Nutt

Submissions from 2015


Reference Interval for Rectal Temperature in Healthy Confined Adult Cats, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Sylvia Tucker, and Kelly Nutt

Submissions from 2014


Infectious Diseases in Large-scale Cat Hoarding Investigations, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Katherine Polak, Cynda Crawford, C M. Leutenegger, and K A. Moriello


Prevalence Of Upper Respiratory Pathogens In Four Management Models For Unowned Cats In The Southeast United States, Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Sylvia Tucker, C McManus, L Andersen, S McGorray, C M. Leutenegger, L Gray, and J Hilligas