Dairy | Farm Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2018


Management of cull dairy cows—Consensus of an expert consultation in Canada, Jane Stojkov, G. Bowers, M. Draper, Todd Duffield, P. Duivenvoorden, M. Groleau, Deb Haupstein, R. Peters, Jane Pritchard, C. Radom, N. Sillett, W. Skippon, H. Trépanier, and David Fraser

Submissions from 2016


Dry period plane of energy: Effects on glucose tolerance in transition dairy cows, S. Mann, F. A. Leal Yepes, M. Duplessis, J. J. Wakshlag, T. R. Overton, B. P. Cummings, and D. V. Nydam


Body condition score and plane of nutrition prepartum affect adipose tissue transcriptome regulators of metabolism and inflammation in grazing dairy cows during the transition period, M. Vailati-Riboni, M. Kanwal, O. Bulgari, S. Meier, N. V. Priest, C. R. Burke, J. K. Kay, S. McDougall, M. D. Mitchell, C. G. Walker, M. Crookenden, A. Heiser, J. R. Roche, and J. J. Loor


Insulin-dependent glucose metabolism in dairy cows with variable fat mobilization around calving, C. Weber, C. T. Schäff, U. Kautzsch, S. Börner, S. Erdmann, S. Görs, M. Röntgen, H. Sauerwein, R. M. Bruckmaier, C. C. Metges, B. Kuhla, and H. M. Hammon


Circulating amino acids in blood plasma during the peripartal period in dairy cows with different liver functionality index, Z. Zhou, J. J. Loor, F. Piccioli-Cappelli, F. Librandi, G. E. Lobley, and E. Trevisi

Submissions from 2015


Housing and management factors associated with indicators of dairy cattle welfare, M. de Vries, E.A.M. Bokkers, C. G. Van Reenen, B. Engel, G. van Schaik, T. Dijkstra, and I.J.M. de Boer


Prediction of parturition in Holstein dairy cattle using electronic data loggers, M. Titler, M. G. Maquivar, S. Bas, P. J. Rajala-Schultz, E. Gordon, K. McCullough, P. Federico, and G. M. Schuenemann

Submissions from 2013


The Correlation of Qualitative Behavior Assessments with Welfare Quality® Protocol Outcomes in On-Farm Welfare Assessment of Dairy Cattle, S. N. Andreasen, F. Wemelsfelder, P. Sandøe, and B. Forkman


Flooring and Driving Conditions During Road Transport Influence the Behavioural Expression of Cattle, Catherine A. Stockman, Teresa Collins, Anne L. Barnes, David Miller, Sarah L. Wickham, David T. Beatty, Dominique Blache, Françoise Wemelsfelder, and Patricia A. Fleming

Submissions from 2009


The Welfare of Cows in the Dairy Industry


The stall-design paradox: Neck rails increase lameness but improve udder and stall hygiene, F. Bernardi, J. A. Fregonesi, C. Winckler, D. M. Veira, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. M. Weary


Preference for pasture versus freestall housing by dairy cattle when stall availability indoors is reduced, A. C. Falk, D. M. Weary, C. Winckler, and M. A. G. von Keyserlingk


Cow preference and usage of free stalls compared with an open pack area, J. A. Fregonesi, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. M. Weary


Lying behavior: Assessing within- and betweenherd variation in free-stall-housed dairy cows, K. Ito, D. M. Weary, and M. A. G. von Keyserlingk


Effect of restricted access time to pasture on dairy cow milk production, grazing behavior, and dry matter intake, E. Kennedy, M. McEvoy, J. P. Murphy, and M. O'Donovan


Prevalence and risk factors for skin lesions on legs of dairy cattle housed in freestalls in Norway, C. Kielland, L. E. Ruud, A. J. Zanella, and O. Østerås


Assessing lameness in cows kept in tie-stalls, K. A. Leach, S. Dippel, J. Huber, S. March, C. Winckler, and H. R. Whay


Preference and usage of pasture versus free-stall housing by lactating dairy cattle, A. L. Legrand, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. M. Weary


Preference and usage of pasture versus free-stall housing by lactating dairy cattle, A. L. Legrand, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. M. Weary

Submissions from 2008


Survey of Dairy Management Practices on One Hundred Thirteen North Central and Northeastern United States Dairies, W. K. Fulwider, T. Grandin, B. E. Rollin, T. E. Engle, N. L. Dalstead, and W. D. Lamm

Submissions from 2007


Effect of stall base type on herd health, costs, and producer satisfaction, W. K. Fulwider, T. Grandin, D. J. Garrick, T. E. Engle, W. D. Lamm, N. L. Dalsted, and B. E. Rollin


Influence of Free-Stall Base on Tarsal Joint Lesions and Hygiene in Dairy Cows, W. K. Fulwider, T. Grandin, D. J. Garrick, T. E. Engle, W. D. Lamm, N. L. Dalsted, and B. E. Rollin

Submissions from 2005


Influence of Neck-Rail Placement on Free-Stall Preference, Use, and Cleanliness, Cassandra B. Tucker, Daniel M. Weary, and David Fraser

Submissions from 2004


Free-Stall Dimensions: Effects on Preference and Stall Usage, Cassandra B. Tucker, Daniel M. Weary, and David Fraser

Submissions from 2003


Effects of Three Types of Free-Stall Surfaces on Preferences and Stall Usage by Dairy Cows, Cassandra B. Tucker, Daniel M. Weary, and David Fraser

Submissions from 2002


Evaluation of the scientific justification for tail docking in dairy cattle, Carolyn L. Stull, Michael A. Payne, Steven L. Berry, and Pamela J. Hullinger