Goats | Farm Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2019


Goats distinguish between positive and negative emotion-linked vocalisations, Luigi Baciadonna, Elodie Briefer, Livio Favaro, and A. G. McElligott

Submissions from 2017


Individual Personality Differences in Goats Predict Their Performance in Visual Learning and Non-Associative Cognitive Tasks, Christian Nawroth, Pamela M. Prentice, and Alan G. McElligott


Cross-Modal Recognition of Familiar Conspecifics in Goats, Benjamin J. Pitcher, Elodie F. Briefer, Luigi Baciadonna, and Alan G. McElligott

Submissions from 2016


Judgement Bias in Goats (Capra hircus): Investigating the Effects of Human Grooming, Luigi Baciadonna, Christian Nawroth, and Alan G. McElligott


On-Farm Qualitative Behaviour Assessment of Dairy Goats in Different Housing Conditions, Lilia Grosso, Monica Battini, Françoise Wemelsfelder, Sara Barbieri, Michela Minero, Emanuela Dalla Costa, and Silvana Mattiello


Efficiency of the Male Effect with Photostimulated Bucks Does Not Depend on their Familiarity with Goats, A. L. Muñoz, M. Bedos, R. M. Aroña, J. A. Flores, H. Hernández, C. Moussu, Elodie F. Briefer, P. Chemineau, M. Keller, and J. A. Delgadillo


Individual Personality Differences in Goats Predict Their Performance in Visual Learning and Non-Associative Cognitive Tasks, Christian Nawroth, Pamela M. Prentice, and Alan G. McElligott

Submissions from 2015


Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity in a Free-Ranging Mammal: Effects of Dominance Rank and Personality, Elodie F. Briefer, James A. Oxley, and Alan G. McElligott


Emotions in Goats: Mapping Physiological, Behavioural and Vocal Profiles, Elodie F. Briefer, Federico Tettamanti, and Alan G. McElligott


Object Permanence in the Dwarf Goat (Capra aegagrus hircus): Perseveration Errors and the Tracking of Complex Movements of Hidden Objects, Christian Nawroth, Eberhard von Borell, and Jan Langbein

Submissions from 2014


Goats Excel at Learning and Remembering a Highly Novel Cognitive Task, Elodie F. Briefer, Samaah Haque, Luigi Baciadonna, and Alan G. McElligott


Artificial Neural Network Approach for Revealing Individuality, Group Membership and Age Information in Goat Kid Contact Calls, Livio Favaro, Elodie F. Briefer, and Alan G. McElligott


Exclusion Performance in Dwarf Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) and Sheep (Ovis orientalis aries), Christian Nawroth, Eberhard von Borell, and Jan Langbein

Submissions from 2013


Goats Favour Personal Over Social Information in an Experimental Foraging Task, Luigi Baciadonna, Alan G. McElligott, and Elodie F. Briefer


Rescued Goats at a Sanctuary Display Positive Mood after Former Neglect, Elodie F. Briefer and Alan G. McElligott

Submissions from 2012


Haemato biochemical alterations in goats infected with coccidiosis, J. Anumol, P. V. Tresamol, K. Vinodkumar, and M. R. Saseendranath


Mother Goats Do Not Forget their Kids’ Calls, Elodie F. Briefer, Mónica Padilla de la Torre, and Alan G. McElligott


Social Effects on Vocal Ontogeny in an Ungulate, the Goat, Capra hircus, Elodie F. Briefer and Alan G. McElligott

Submissions from 2010


The importance of social behaviour for goat welfare in livestock farming, G. C. Miranda-de la Lama and S. Mattiello