Pigs, Behavior and Cognition | Farm Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2015


Thinking Pigs: A Comparative Review of Cognition, Emotion, and Personality in Sus domesticus, Lori Marino and Christina M. Colvin

Submissions from 2013


A Note on Pigs’ Knowledge of Hidden Objects, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell


Are Juvenile Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Sensitive to the Attentive States of Humans? The Impact of Impulsivity on Choice Behaviour, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell

Submissions from 2008


Parent-Offspring Resource Allocation in Domestic Pigs, Anna Drake, David Fraser, and Daniel M. Weary

Submissions from 2005


Foraging behaviour in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa): remembering and prioritizing food sites of different value, S. Held, J. Baumgartner, A. KilBride, R. W. Byrne, and M. Mendl

Submissions from 2000


Regulation of Contact with Offspring by Domestic Sows: Temporal Patterns and Individual Variation, E. A. Pajor, D. L. Kramer, and D. Fraser


Diversity of Behaviour During Novel Object Tests is Reduced in Pigs Housed in Substrate-Impoverished Conditions, Françoise Wemelsfelder, Marie Haskell, Michael T. Mendl, Sheena Calvert, and Alistair B. Lawrence

Submissions from 1997


Experience in Substrate-Enriched and Substrate-Impoverished Environments Affects Behaviour of Pigs in a T-Maze Task, Michael Mendl, Hans W. Erhard, Marie Haskell, Françoise Wemelsfelder, and Alistair B. Lawrence

Submissions from 1996


The Effect of Substrate-Enriched and Substrate-Impoverished Housing Environments on the Diversity of Behaviour in Pigs, Marie Haskell, Françoise Wemelsfelder, Michael T. Mendl, Sheena Calvert, and Alistair B. Lawrence

Submissions from 1995


Conflict and Cooperation: Sociobiological Principles and the Behaviour of Pigs, David Fraser, D. L. Kramer, E. A. Pajor, and D. M. Weary

Submissions from 1989


A method for introducing pigs into free-access two-level pens, David Fraser and P. A. Phillips