Transport | Farm Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2014


Heat stress: A major contributor to poor animal welfare associated with long-haul live export voyages, Malcolm P. Caulfield, Heather Cambridge, Susan F. Foster, and Paul D. McGreevy


Livestock transport from the perspective of the pre-slaughterlogistic chain: a review, G. C. Miranda-de la Lama, M. Villarroel, and G. A. María

Submissions from 2013


Practical handling skills during road transport of fattening pigs from farm to slaughterhouse: A brief review, Bert Driessen, Ester Peeters, Jos Van Thielen, and Sanne Van Beirendonck

Submissions from 2012


Effects of double transport and season on sensorial aspects of lamb's meat quality in dry climates, Genaro C. Miranda-de la Lama, Morris Villarroel, María del Mar Campo, José Luis Olleta, Carlos Sañudo, and Gustavo A. María

Submissions from 2011


Scientific Opinion Concerning the Welfare of Animals during Transport, EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW)


Effects of road type during transport on lamb welfare and meat quality in dry hot climates, Genaro C. Miranda-de la Lama, Paula Monge, Morris Villarroel, Jose Luis Olleta, Sylvia García-Belenguer, and Gustavo A. María


Livestock Vehicle Accidents in Spain: Causes, Consequences, and Effects on Animal Welfare, Genaro C. Miranda-de la Lama, Wilmer S. Sepúlveda, Morris Villarroel, and Gustavo A. María


Qualitative Behavioural Assessment and Quantitative Physiological Measurement of Cattle Naïve and Habituated to Road Transport, C. A. Stockman, T. Collins, A. L. Barnes, D. Miller, S. L. Wickham, D. T. Beatty, D. Blache, F. Wemelsfelder, and P. A. Fleming


Time derivatives in air temperature and enthalpy as non-invasive welfare indicators during long distance animal transport, Morris Villarroel, Pilar Barreiro, Peter J. Kettlewell, Marianne Farish, and Malcolm Mitchell

Submissions from 2009


Effects of weaning and 48 h transport by road and ferry on some blood indicators of welfare in lambs, Néstor Tadich, Carmen Gallo, María L. Brito, and Donald M. Broom

Submissions from 2007


The Long Haul: Risks Associated with Livestock Transport, Michael Greger


Characterisation of the pig acute phase protein response to road transport, Matilde Piñeiro, Carlos Piñeiro, Rakel Carpintero, Joaquín Morales, Fiona M. Campbell, P. David Eckersall, Mathilda J.M. Toussaint, and Fermín Lampreave

Submissions from 2003


Causes of Poor Welfare in Large Animals During Transport, Donald M. Broom

Submissions from 2001


Critical points in the transport of cattle to slaughter in Spain that may compromise the animals' welfare, M. Villarroel, G. A. María, I. Sierra, C. Saitudo, S. Garcia-Belenguer, and G. Gebresenbet

Submissions from 1999


A review of the road transport of cattle, T. G. Knowles

Submissions from 1998


The effect of stocking density in transit on the carcass quality and welfare of slaughter pigs: 2. Results from the analysis of blood and meat samples, Paul D. Warriss, Steven N. Brown, Toby G. Knowles, Janelle E. Hocking Edwards, Peter J. Kettlewell, and H. J. Guise

Submissions from 1990


The welfare of calves during handling and transport, H. R. Trunkfield and D. M. Broom

Submissions from 1981


The Buller-Steer Syndrome, Richard Ulbrich

Submissions from 1977


Assessment of stress during handling and transport, T. Grandin

Submissions from 1969


Problems in Transportation of Animals, Alice M. Wagner