Calves | Farm Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2016


Evaluation of calving indicators measured by automated monitoring devices to predict the onset of calving in Holstein dairy cows, V. Ouellet, E. Vasseur, W. Heuwieser, O. Burfeind, X. Maldague, and É. Charbonneau

Submissions from 2009


Welfare Assessment: Correlations and Integration between a Qualitative Behavioural Assessment and a Clinical/Health Protocol Applied in Veal Calves Farms, Marta Brscic, Françoise Wemelsfelder, Elena Tessitore, Flaviana Gottardo, Giulio Cozzi, and Cornelis G. Van Reenen

Submissions from 1982


No Need to Be Boxed in: Group Pens and Grain for Veal Calves, Michael S. Mosner

Submissions from 1981


Behavior and Weight Loss of Feeder Calves in a Railcar Modified for Feeding and Watering in Transit, T. H. Friend, M. R. Irwin, A. J. Sharp, B. H. Ashby, G. B. Thompson, and W. A. Bailey