Submissions from 2016
Mating Games Squid Play: Reproductive Behaviour and Sexual Skin Displays in Caribbean Reef Squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea, Jennifer Mather
Submissions from 2010
Non-invasive methods of identifying and tracking wild squid, Ruth A. Byrne, James B. Wood, Roland C. Anderson, Ulrike Griebel, and Jennifer A. Mather
Vigilance and Antipredator Responses of Caribbean Reef Squid, Jennifer A. Mather
Squid Dances: An Ethogram of Postures and Actions of Sepioteuthis sepioidea Squid with a Muscular Hydrostatic System, Jennifer A. Mather, Ulrike Griebel, and Ruth A. Byrne
Submissions from 2004
Cephalopod skin displays: from concealment to communication, Jennifer A. Mather
Submissions from 2000
Agonistic and reproductive behaviours of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis in a semi-natural environment, Shelley A. Adamo, William M. Brown, Alison J. King, D. Lynn Mather, Jennifer A. Mather, Kelly L. Shoemaker, and James B. Wood