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The mainland coast of British Columbia (BC) is a remote area that is comparatively free from human-caused disturbance. However, concerns about current and anticipated increases in industrial forestry activity have prompted conservation biologists to investigate the biota in this understudied region. We were commissioned by the Raincoast Conservation Society to study coastal wolves so that information could be incorporated into ongoing conservation planning and education efforts. The summer of 2000 marked the pilot season of a multi-year research project. Our team spent more than 240 person days in the field during the summer and fall seasons. We surveyed 18 mainland watersheds and 21 islands in an area greater than 29,000-km2 (land and sea). We examined scats to describe wolf diet, collected genetic material, and noted other natural history observations. We also conducted an extensive review of scientific literature and made estimates of population size and human-caused mortality.


The Raincoast Conservation Society is a non-profit organization promoting research and public education with the goal of protecting and restoring coastal rainforest ecosystems and all their interdependent life forms. Using the principles of Conservation Biology and on-the-ground field research, we strive to better understand the region’s lands, seas, and wildlife to assist local communities, conservation planners, and government agencies design and implement sustainable land and marine use plans. We believe that vibrant sustainable economies and fully functioning ecosystems are not mutually exclusive but instead are interrelated.
