Biomedical Research and Alternative Methods Collection | Alternatives to Animal Experimentation | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2019


Beyond the 3Rs: Expanding the Use of Human-Relevant Replacement Methods in Biomedical Research, Kathrin Herrmann, Francesca Pistollato, and Martin L. Stephens

Submissions from 2017


Considering aspects of the 3Rs principles within experimental animal biology, Lynne U. Sneddon, Lewis G. Halsey, and Nic R. Bury

Submissions from 2016


Alzheimer Disease Research in the 21st Century: Past and Current Failures, New Perspectives and Funding Priorities, Francesca Pistollato, Elan L. Ohayon, Ann Lam, Gillian R. Langley, Thomas J. Novak, David Pamies, George Perry, Eugenia Trushina, Robin S.B. Williams, Alex E. Roher, Thomas Hartung, Stevan Harnad, Neal D. Barnard, Martha Clare Morris, Mei-Chun Lai, Ryan Merkley, and P. Charukeshi Chandrasekera

Submissions from 2015


The multifactorial role of the 3Rs in shifting the harm-benefit analysis in animal models of disease, Melanie L. Graham and Mark J. Prescott


Lessons from Toxicology: Developing a 21st‑Century Paradigm for Medical Research, Gill Langley, Christopher P. Austin, Anil K. Balapure, Linda S. Birnbaum, John R. Bucher, Julia Fentem, Suzanne C. Fitzpatrick, John R. Fowle III, Robert J. Kavlock, Hiroaki Kitano, Brett A. Lidbury, Alysson R. Muotri, Shuang-Qing Peng, Dmitry Sakharov, Troy Seidle, Thales Trez, Alexander Tonevitsky, Anja van de Stolpe, Maurice Whelan, and Catherine Willett

Submissions from 2014


Considering a New Paradigm for Alzheimer’s Disease Research, Gillian R. Langley


Consensus Report on the Future of Animal-Free Systemic Toxicity Testing, Marcel Leist, Nina Hasiwa, Costanza Rovida, Mardas Daneshian, David Basketter, Ian Kimber, Harvey Clewell, Tilman Gocht, Alan Goldberg, Francois Busquet, Anna-Maria Rossi, Michael Schwarz, Martin Stephens, Rob Taalman, Thomas B. Knudsen, James McKim, Georgina Harris, David Pamies, and Thomas Hartung

Submissions from 2012


A Roadmap for the Development of Alternative (Non-Animal) Methods for Systemic Toxicity Testing, David Basketter, Harvey Clewell, Ian Kimber, Annamaria Rossi, Bas Blaauboer, Robert Burrier, Mardas Daneshian, Chantra Eskes, Alan Goldberg, Nina Hasiwa, Sebastian Hoffmann, Joanna Jaworska, Thomas B. Knudsen, Robert Landsiedel, Marcel Leist, Paul Locke, Gavin Maxwell, James McKim, Emily McVey, Gladys Ouédraogo, Grace Patlewicz, Olavi Pelkonen, Erwin Roggen, Costanza Rovida, Irmela Ruhdel, Michael Schwarz, Andreas Schepky, Greet Schoeters, Nigel Skinner, Kerstin Trentz, Marian Turner, Philippe Vanparys, James Yager, Joanne Zurlo, and Thomas Hartung


Alternative Approaches for Medical Countermeasures to Biological and Chemical Terrorism and Warfare, Thomas Hartung and Joanne Zurlo


Pursuing Medawar’s Challenge for Full Replacement, Martin Stephens

Submissions from 2010


Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy, Daniel Krewski, Daniel Acosta Jr, Melvin Anderson, Henry Anderson, John C. Bailar III, Kim Boekelheide, Robert Brent, Gail Charnley, Vivian G. Cheung, Sidney Green Jr, Karl T. Kelsey, Nancy I. Kerkvliet, Abby A. Li, Lawrence McCray, Otto Meyer, Reid D. Patterson, William Pennie, Robert A. Scala, Gina M. Solomon, Martin Stephens, James Yager, and Lauren Zeise

Submissions from 2007


The Development of New Concepts for Assessing Reproductive Toxicity Applicable to Large Scale Toxicological Programmes, S. Bremer, C. Pellizzer, S. Hoffmann, T. Seidle, and T. Hartung

Submissions from 2002


Possibilities for Refinement and Reduction: Future Improvements Within Regulatory Testing, Martin L. Stephens, Kathleen Conlee, Gina Alvino, and Andrew N. Rowan

Submissions from 1985


The Imbalance Between Experiment and Theory in Biology: The Need for Theory-Directed Modeling, M. L. Fidelman and D. C. Mikulecky

Submissions from 1979


Alternatives to Laboratory Animals: Definition and Discussion, Andrew N. Rowan