"CSRO Fall 2005" by


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Fall 2005


  • HSUS helps in Katrina's wake
  • Animal hoarding exposed by CSRO, RAVS team
  • Indiana, Michigan, Ohio: welcome to the region!
  • "Off the Chain" reveals betrayal of man's best friend
  • How to get involved in animal protection
  • Illinois legislative update: H.B. 315 / S.B. 2078 (create the Illinois Public Health and Safety Animal Population Control Act), H.B. 3787 (amends the Humane Care for Animals Act)
  • Indiana legislative update: S.B. 159 (requires that individuals convicted of committing animal cruelty receive psychological, behavioral, or other counseling)
  • Kentucky legislative update
  • Michigan legislative update: H.B. 4254 (requires schools to provide alternatives for students with a moral objection to dissection), H.B. 4465 / S.B. 373 (prohibits hunting animals via the internet), H.B. 4848 (prohibits a person from buying or selling the right to hunt a non-native wild mammal held in an enclosure)
  • Ohio legislative update: H.B. 189 (amends the Dangerous Dog Law to remove breed-specific language, S.B. 9 (adds a definition for "animal or ecological terrorism" to the Ohio Code for acts that are already covered by existing law)
  • Wisconsin legislative update: A.B. 179 / S.B. 207 (prohibits any hunter from shooting at a wild animal on a deer or game farm without being physically in possession of the weapon)
  • Driven to stop Chicago dogfighting
