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On 2 March 2022, the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) adopted the Animal Welfare - Environment - Sustainable Development Nexus Resolution. In this resolution, UNEA acknowledged that "animal welfare can contribute to addressing environmental challenges". UNEA further acknowledged animal welfare's contribution to "promoting the One Health approach and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals." To understand these links, UNEA requested the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to analyse and produce a report for the next convening of UNEA on the nexus between animal welfare, the environment, and sustainable development. "Unveiling the Nexus: The interdependence of animal welfare, environment & sustainable development" illuminates the value of an animal welfare perspective for addressing the drivers of environmental challenges and sustainable development. It highlights important links between animal welfare and biodiversity, climate change, pollution, health, food security, and livelihoods. This assessment, undertaken by the World Federation for Animals, aims to support those developing and contributing to the UNEP Nexus report. It aims to provide stakeholders with a basis to further explore why improving animal welfare is essential for the environmental and development community.
Recommended Citation
World Federation for Animals (WFA), "Unveiling the Nexus: The interdependence of animal welfare, environment & sustainable development" (2023). Nexus – UNEP – Animal Welfare, Environment, Sustainable Development. 2.