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Publication Date
Fall 1988
- Responding to your response (John A. Hoyt)
- Teacher of the Year announced
- Center garners endorsements
- Dunda's days of pain: elephant's treatment in San Diego stirs controversy
- The HSUS launches "The Shame of Fur" campaign: celebrities, fashion models help in media efforts
- Research Whaling continues: animal protectionists plot strategy to outwit whaling nations
- Throwing a lifeline to dolphins: can a new lawsuit stop the slaughter?
- Santeria: alive and well in the U.S.A. : HSUS begins a crackdown on a bloody cult (Sandra Erickson)
- Is animal sacrifice legal?
- 1987 Annual Report
- A rebuttal to Dr. Robert White (and Reader's Digest)
- The man behind the article
- HSUS works to prevent the taking of chimpanzees from the wild
- A rare day in June (Sandy Rowland)
- Dealer still in business
- Nuisance-wildlife seminar
- Off Scot-free?
- Shelter visits
- Zoo visits
- Shelter investigation
- Drug ban requested
- Free videotapes
- Humane Symposium
- Teamwork
- Giving shelter
- Peoria protest
- Rabies bill
- Health care
- Shelter closes
- Complaints investigated
- MMPA re-authorization
- Federal update
- First-round win in ESA suit
- New Jersey trap appeal victory
- Graham case resolved?
Recommended Citation
"HS NEWS Volume 33, Number 04" (1988). HSUS News 1979-88. 33.