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The discordance between the behavioral needs of pigs and the life afforded to those raised commercially for the meat industry has created many animal welfare problems. Methods of pig production have changed substantially over the last several decades, and industrialized confinement operations have largely overtaken small, diversified farms. Overcrowded in indoor, barren environments, pigs in commercial production facilities are offered little opportunity to display their full range of complex social, foraging, and exploratory behavior. Behavioral abnormalities, such as tail-biting and aggression, arise due to environmental and social deficiencies. Poor air quality and intensive confinement may lead to health problems, and the lack of individualized attention to each animal compromises their care. Handling and transport for slaughter are highly stressful procedures, and some pigs become so fatigued, injured, or sick that they become nonambulatory, unable to stand and walk on their own accord. Each one of these issues is a significant animal welfare problem in need of immediate redress.
