Human-Companion Animal Relationships Collection | Companion Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2018


Dog Ownership and Mortality in England: A Pooled Analysis of Six Population-based Cohorts, Melody Ding, Adrian Bauman, Cathie Sherrington, Paul D. McGreevy, Kate M. Edwards, and Emmanuel Stamatakis


Expectations for dog ownership: Perceived physical, mental and psychosocial health consequences among prospective adopters, Lauren Powell, Debbie Chia, Paul McGreevy, Anthony L. Podberscek, Kate M. Edwards, Brendon Neilly, Adam J. Guastella, Vanessa Lee, and Emmanuel Stamatakis

Submissions from 2017


Exploring the Differences Between Pet and Non-Pet Owners: Implications for Human-Animal Interaction Research and Policy, Jessica Saunders, Layla Parast, Susan H. Babey, and Jeremy V. Miles

Submissions from 2016


The Value of Pets to Public and Private Health and Well-Being, Leslie Irvine and Laurent Cilia

Submissions from 2014


Biology, Culture, and the Origins of Pet-Keeping, Harold Herzog

Submissions from 2013


Fashion vs. Function in Cultural Evolution: The Case of Dog Breed Popularity, Stefano Ghirlanda, Alberto Acerbi, Harold A. Herzog, and James A. Serpell


Animals as Lifechangers and Lifesavers: Pets in the Redemption Narratives of Homeless People, Leslie Irvine

Submissions from 2001


From Pets to Companion Animals, Martha C. Armstrong, Susan Tomasello, and Christyna Hunter

Submissions from 1982


A Strategy for Dog-Owner Education (Response), Ian Dunbar

Submissions from 1981


A Strategy for Dog-Owner Education, Ian Dunbar