Document Type
Publication Date
- Footprint fantasies (Mary Jo Puckett Cliatt)
- A narrow escape
- For the love of birds (Carol O'Donnell)
- Action for humane awareness: a unique effort in humane education (Lorraine Holden)
- Author-Humane Educator Charlotte Baker Montgomery receives the Humane Society's top honor
- It's their home too! A mini unit on learning to coexist with the animals around us (Lorraine P. Holden)
- Happenings
- Research in Review: Teaching about predators in elementary education (Vanessa Malcarne)
- Familiar animal neighbors: opossum, mallard duck, raccoon, gray squirrel
- A provocative look at young people's perceptions of animals (Miriam O. Westervelt)
- Calendar
- What's a Picture Worth? : Foul play
Recommended Citation
"Humane Education Volume 07, Number 04" (1983). Humane Education 1983-5. 2.