LD50 Testing Alternatives Collection | Alternatives to Animal Experimentation | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2013


Can Acute Dermal Systemic Toxicity Tests Be Replaced With Oral Tests? A Comparison of Route-Specific Systemic Toxicity and Hazard Classifications Under the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), Nigel P. Moore, David J. Andrew, Donald L. Bjerke, Stuart Creton, David Dreher, Thomas Holmes, Pilar Prieto, Troy Seidle, and Tim G. Rowan

Submissions from 2010


The Current Scientific and Legal Status of Alternative Methods to the LD50 Test for Botulinum Neurotoxin Potency Testing, Sarah Adler, Gerd Bicker, Hans Bigalke, Christopher Bishop, Jörg Blümel, Dirk Dressler, Joan Fitzgerald, Frank Gessler, Heide Heuschen, Birgit Kegel, Andreas Luch, Catherine Milne, Andrew Pickett, Heidemarie Ratsch, Irmela Ruhdel, Dorothea Sesardic, Martin Stephens, Gerhard Stiens, Peter D. Thornton, René Thürmer, Martin Vey, Horst Spielmann, Barbara Grune, and Manfred Liebsch

Submissions from 2005


LD50 Testing of Botulinum Toxin for Use as a Cosmetic, Martin L. Stephens and Michael Balls