HSUS News 1975-6 | Vol 21 | No. 3

HSUS News 1975-6

Volume 21 | Number 3 (WINTER 1976-77)


Baltimore Pound Gets Cleaned Up

HSUS investigator Phil Steward uncovers poor conditions at pound and works with city to improve conditions.


A New Moral Imperative

Oliver M. Evans, 69, a founder and former president of The Humane Society of the United States, died on December 16. Mr. Evans, a native of Montclair, N.J., was a director or officer of HSUS throughout its 21-year history. He was serving as treasurer at the time of his death. In recognition of his outstanding leadership to the humane movement and his personal dedication to animal welfare, The HSUS headquarters building was dedicated to his memory on October 10.


A New Era for Animals Begins

A Pictorial View of the 22nd HSUS Annual Conference


Animal People

A continuing series of articles by Dr. M. W. Fox covering selected topics of interest and practical value for people who work with, and whose lives are dedicated to the welfare of our animal kin.


A Matter of Energy

Our success at any job, individually or collectively, is largely a matter of energy. First, there's physical energy. How many miles can we drive? How many days a week we can work? And how many nights can we stay awake without collapsing?