Serial - HSUS News 1989-93 (indiv. artcls)
Volume 34 | Number 1 (Winter 1989)
Swim Champ Helps Dolphins; Fish Boycott Helps Whales; Scout Exercise Protested; New Videos; Cassettes, Anyone?; In Memoriam: Bernard M. Webber, James C. Shaw
Mel L. Morse: An Appreciation; Spreading the Good Word; Great Walls of Death; Cockfighting Crackdown Continues; The HSUS Fights Fur in Five Cities
In October, HSUS President John A. Hoyt made the following comments at the HSUS annual conference introductory to the reports of individual departments on the activities of 1988.
Understanding the Animal Welfare Act
What is the Animal Welfare Act? How does it work? Who does it protect?
In this, the first of two articles, we will examine the content of the Act, its history, and its intent. In the Spring issue of the News, part two will evaluate the Act in action through case histories from our files.
Following Your Conscience in the Classroom: An Interview with Jenifer Graham
Jenifer attended the 1988 HSUS annual conference in October to participate in a workshop on alternatives to dissection and receive a special award. At that time, Dr. Randall Lockwood, HSUS director of higher education programs, had an opportunity to talk to Jenifer about the events of the past months.