Serial - HSUS News 1989-93 (indiv. artcls)
Volume 35 | Number 3 (SUMMER 1990)
Figure Out What You Care About ...
On April 22, HSUS President John A. Hoyt delivered the following message on the steps of the U.S. Capitol before 350,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C., for Earth Day 1990.
Starkist Tuna "Dolphin Safe"; "60 Minutes" exposes zoos; Colombia passes landmark statute; "Be a P.A.L." on the blimp!; Bottom drops out of fur market; Mopping up after spills
Puppy-mill media blitz; "New Age" for the HSUS; In Memoriam: William Kerber, Winifred Hall
In January, radio commentator Paul Harvey brought the subject of fur to his listeners nationwide. Mr. Harvey, an HSUS James Herriot award winner, kindly consented to share these thoughts with HSUS members.
1990 Annual Conference of the Humane Society of the United States
Animals--It's Their World Too (San Francisco, CA: October 25-27)
Marine-Mammal bills take off; "Prevent-A-Litter Month" signed; HSUS testifies on animal issues; HSUS to protect grizzlies; USDA to protect farm animals; Chimpanzees reclassified; Thank you