Serial - HSUS News 1989-93 (indiv. artcls)
Volume 38 | Number 1 (WINTER 1993)
HSUS aces one for the animals; 1993 is "The Year of the Cat"; Branch receives alternatives award
Whales die at Shedd Aquarium; HSUS responds to Olympic furor; Beware of antifreeze dangers; Lota: The battle goes on; Action Alert team gets results
CITES: In the interim (HSI Zimbabwe); HSI donates X-ray machine (HSI Colombia); Landmark law for Europe (HSI Europe)
The U.S. Role in Saving the Global Environment
In the following excerpt from his book Earth in the Balance, Vice President-elect Gore describes what he believes should be components of the U.S. role in this "Global Marshall Plan"--a "new global economics." Then he describes what happened at the Earth Summit and where we all go from here.