Serial - HSUS News 1989-93 (indiv. artcls)
Volume 38 | Number 2 (SPRING 1993)
Own a cat with Socks appeal?; Compuserve at your service; Sentinel helps you guard your pets; A beautiful offer benefits the HSUS; Shop "Smart" at PETsMART
New day for wild horses; What's wrong with this picture?; HSUS Position Statement on elementary education materials distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services; Wanted: Better USDA reporting
An Environmental Agenda for the 1990s
In December, President-Elect Bill Clinton named the Hon. Bruce Babbitt, J.D., former governor of Arizona, as his secretary of the interior. The HSUS was pleased to welcome Governor Babbitt, most recently president of the League of Conservation Voters, to our national conference, in Boulder, Colorado, in October. In his keynote address, adapted here, Governor Babbitt discusses the environmental community's new awareness of the goals it shares with The HSUS and others in animal protection.
Prisoners of War (HSI Indonesia); Boycott announced (HSI Taiwan); Hans-Jürgen Weichert; Progress to the South (HSI Colombia); Hoyt calls for Norway boycott (HSI Europe)