"Carcass composition and meat quality of three different Iberian × Duro" by Rosario Ramírez and Ramon Cava

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Carcass composition and meat quality of Longissimus dorsi (LD) and Biceps femoris (BF) muscles from three different Iberian × Duroc genotype pigs were studied: GEN1: ♂ Iberian × ♀ Duroc1; GEN2: ♂ Duroc1 × ♀ Iberian; GEN3: ♂ Duroc2 × ♀ Iberian. Duroc1 (DU1) were selected for the manufacture of dry-cured meat products while Duroc2 (DU2) were pigs selected for meat production, with high percentages of meat cuts and low carcass fat. Genotype had a significant effect on the differences found while sex had not. GEN2 showed the highest weights at days 180 and 238 of weaning and the highest slaughter weights (day 316) followed by GEN3, while the lowest weights were found in GEN1. GEN3 had well conformed carcasses in comparison with GEN1 and GEN2, since GEN3 showed the highest percentages of ham and loin and the highest weight of loin as well as the lowest back and ham fat thickness. However, the use of DU2 pigs in the cross with Iberian had negative effects on meat quality, as GEN3 gave the worst meat quality in both muscles, postmortem pH, cook and drip loss, and colour and the lowest percentages of intramuscular fat (IMF). In subcutaneous fat (SCF), GEN3 had higher percentages of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) than GEN2, while GEN2 had higher saturated fatty acids (SFA) levels. In LD, IMF from GEN3 showed the highest percentage of MUFA and PUFA; while the fatty acid profile of GEN2 was more saturated. BF muscle showed similar trends, but not significantly so. On the other hand, few differences were found between reciprocal crosses (GEN1 vs. GEN2). GEN2 showed higher IMF in LD than GEN1, agreeing with their carcass weight. As a result, GEN1 had a fatty acid profile of IMF in the LD that was more unsaturated.
