Submissions from 2018
Demographics Regarding Belief in Non-Human Animal Sentience and Emotional Empathy with Animals: A Pilot Study among Attendees of an Animal Welfare Symposium, Amelia Cornish, Bethany Wilson, David Raubenheimer, and Paul McGreevy
Submissions from 2017
Are People More Disturbed by Dog or Human Suffering?, Jack Levin, Arnold Arluke, and Leslie Irvine
Submissions from 2016
Trends in popularity of some morphological traits of purebred dogs in Australia, Kendy Tzu-Yun Teng, Paul McGreevy, Jenny-Ann L.M.L. Toribio, and Navneet Dhand
Submissions from 2015
Brief Measures of the Animal Attitude Scale, Harold Herzog, Stephanie Grayson, and David McCord
Submissions from 2011
Philosophical Background of Attitudes toward and Treatment of Invertebrates, Jennifer A. Mather
Submissions from 2010
Dairy farmer attitudes and empathy toward animals are associated with animal welfare indicators, Camilla Kielland, Eystein Skjerve, Olav Østerås, and Adroaldo José Zanella
Submissions from 2007
Social Justice and the Animal Question, Leslie Irvine
Cultural variation, animal welfare and telos, B. E. Rollin
Submissions from 2006
Forty-two Thousand and One Dalmatians: Fads, Social Contagion, and Dog Breed Popularity, Harold A. Herzog
Submissions from 2005
Animal Welfare Consciousness of Chinese College Students: Findings and Analysis, Zu Shuxian, Peter J. Li, and Pei-Feng Su
Submissions from 2004
Random drift and large shifts in popularity of dog breeds, Harold Herzog, R. Alexander Bentley, and Matthew W. Hahn
Submissions from 2003
The State of Wild Animals in the Minds and Households of a Neotropical Society: The Costa Rican Case Study, Carlos Drews
Submissions from 2001
Social Attitudes and Animals, Harold Herzog, Andrew N. Rowan, and Daniel Kossow
Submissions from 2000
Animal rights & human identity: a polemical quest for authenticity, Pamela Susan O'Neill
Submissions from 1997
Personality and Attitudes Toward the Treatment of Animals, Steve Mathews and Harold A. Herzog
Submissions from 1996
Exploring the Gender Gap in Young Adults' Attitudes about Animal Research, Linda Pifer
Submissions from 1993
Labels and the Treatment of Animals: Archival and Experimental Cases, Jeffrey Lee Rasmussen, Heather D. Craft, and D. W. Rajecki
Submissions from 1991
Gender, Sex Role Orientation, and Attitudes toward Animals, Harold A. Herzog Jr., Nancy S. Betchart, and Robert B. Pittman
Submissions from 1984
American Attitudes Toward and Knowledge of Animals: An Update, Stephen R. Kellert
Attitudes Toward Animals: Age-Related Development Among Children, Stephen R. Kellert
Submissions from 1983
Attitudes Toward Animals in Greco-Roman Antiquity, Liliane Bodson
Historical Trends in American Animal Use and Perception, Stephen R. Kellert and Miriam O. Westervelt
Sex Roles, Companion Animals--and Something More, D. H. Murphy