Animal / Social Cognition Collection | Cognition in Animals | WellBeing International


Submissions from 2019


Perceptual lateralization of vocal stimuli in goats, Luigi Baciadonna, Christian Nawroth, Elodie F. Briefer, and Alan G. McElligott


Farm Animal Cognition—Linking Behavior, Welfare and Ethics, Christian Nawroth, Jan Langbein, Marjorie Coulon, Vivian Gabor, Susan Oesterwind, Judith Benz-Schwarzburg, and Eberhard von Borell

Submissions from 2018


Human-Directed Behaviour in Goats is Not Affected by Short-Term Positive Handling, Jan Langbein, Annika Krause, and Christian Nawroth


Goats Prefer Positive Human Emotional Facial Expressions, Christian Nawroth, Natalia Albuquerque, Carine Savalli, Marie-Sophie Single, and Alan G. McElligott

Submissions from 2017


Human Head Orientation and Eye Visibility as Indicators of Attention for Goats (Capra hircus), Christian Nawroth and Alan G. McElligott


African Penguins Follow the Gaze Direction of Conspecifics, Christian Nawroth, Egle Trincas, and Livio Favaro

Submissions from 2016


Goats Learn Socially from Humans in a Spatial Problem-Solving Task, Christian Nawroth, Luigi Baciadonna, and Alan G. McElligott


Goats Display Audience-Dependent Human-Directed Gazing Behaviour in a Problem-Solving Task, Christian Nawroth, Jemma M. Brett, and Alan G. McElligott


Are Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Able to Use Complex Human-Given Cues to Find a Hidden Reward?, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell

Submissions from 2014


Emotional Engagements Predict and Enhance Social Cognition in Young Chimpanzees, Kim A. Bard, Roger Bakeman, Sarah T. Boysen, and David A. Leavens


Fish Cognition, Redouan Bshary and Culum Brown


Juvenile Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Use Human-Given Cues in an Object Choice Task, Christian Nawroth, Mirjam Ebersbach, and Eberhard von Borell

Submissions from 2013


Social Learning in Juvenile Lemon Sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, Tristan L. Guttridge, Sander van Dijk, Eize Stamhuis, Jens Krause, Samuel Gruber, and Culum Brown

Submissions from 2011


Social Knowledge, Keith Jensen, Joan B. Silk, Kristin Andrews, Redouan Bshary, Dorothy L. Cheney, Nathan Emery, Charlotte K. Hemelrijk, Kay Holekamp, Derek C. Penn, Josef Perner, and Christoph Teufel

Submissions from 2009


Wild Justice - Honor and Fairness Among Beasts at Play, Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce

Submissions from 2003


Social Learning of Prey Location in Hatchery-Reared Atlantic Salmon, C. Brown, A. Markula, and K. Laland