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Publication Date
- HSUS affiliate drives out rodeo; Ohio law to face first, major test
- Senate-House conference committee continues sessions on Dealer Bill; passage of Senate version likely
- Animal auctions found violating dog law regulations; complaints charging cruelty filed by HSUS
- New stock branding method is painless
- Legal and economic losses hit hard at bullfighting promoters
- New laws would stop bloodless bullfights
- Dealer involved in NIH episode quits trading of dogs
- Sneak Bullfight Bill vetoed in Puerto Rico
- NHEC animal shelter takes shape
- The Humane Society of the United States condensed balance sheet as at June 30, 1966.
- Bow hunting cruelties under growing attack by California Branch
- New Jersey Branch gives Erlanger highest award
- Branch programs cover surplus breeding and school use of animals
- New York humane bills achieve mixed results
- Airline withdraws objectionable ads on Amory protest
- HSUS will go to Pennsylvania for big September conference
- HSUS affiliate opens new animal shelter
- Final highway survey shows increase in animal death toll
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 11(4)" (1966). News of HSUS 1966. 1.