Document Type
Publication Date
- HSUS steps up investigation of cruel uses of animals in science education, seeks remedial laws
- Nine senators co-sponsor bill to end torture of Tennessee Walkers
- Rodeo interests brand HSUS as 'radical'; Society's campaign brings massive counter attack
- Nevada society tackles Pepsi Cola, Elks Club; Animal prizes at stake
- California anti-prod fight brings several rodeo rule changes
- Pound seizure threat defeated in N.J.; HSUS proposal also dead
- Survey shows big animal protection problems in Puerto Rico; Affiliate to receive mobile animal hospital
- End of a concentration camp for dogs
- Appropriations for Lab Animal Act under congressional study; Senate approves supplemental allocation
- NHEC requests books for big new library
- Retail sales of becomes legislative issue in Illinois
- Protection sought for predatory mammals through federal law
- Ohio affiliate's highest humane award goes to Sen. Stephen Young
- Conservationist named Humanitarian of the Year by Conn. branch
- Bullfighting interests are defeated solidly in Maine and Florida
- HSUS opposes bill to change Pennsylvania humane law wording
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 12(3)" (1967). News of HSUS 1967. 4.